chapter 3

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Today I will be seeing aspen.

He walks up and spoke softly

"rebels, I heard them talking... they want to kill you, that's all I know, and there southerners, tell Maxon when you can,Sorry but I got to go" he curties and leaves.

Oh boy.

Now time for lucy.

I find Lucy and she starts talking right away.

" they killed my dad and aspen told me there after you, I want to help, I'm coming back." she states 

I try to smile and say " of course, your room will be near mine or near aspen, which ever."

"I don't I'll talk later, the doctor said I have to sleep" that's when I see I am in the hospital wing. "feel better lucy"

Yay, Maxon time.

I get to our room and he is pacing.

"America, did aspen and Lucy tell you about the Rebels and her dad?"

"Yay, that's sad, and don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"My dear please stay safe"

"Ok, but I'm not your dear"

"Maxon,lucy and aspens wedding is in a week and the funeral is 2 days from now."

"Oh, um... America, I have something planed for us, come with me."
I silently follow.

Soon I'm standing in front of the bench I met him.

" Oh Maxon, I love you"

"I love you too my dear-"

We are cut off by rebels.

Yay I know
Lots of
Don't you love me

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