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Authors Note:
Aimee O'Connor along with any kiddies belong to

Alexis stood in the flat as Diane walked in and looked at her. "So when were you going to tell me that you took my job?" She asked.

Alexis sighed and looked at her. "I didn't know it was your job. What do you want me to do? Give up on my job?" Alexis asked.

Diane smiled and looked at her. "Of course not. I'm sorry. I'm taking my annoyance out on you. Because of Sinead and Aimee," Diane said.

Aimee frowned. She looked at her. "What's Aimee done?"

"She's only got involved with the worst criminal around here. Warren Fox. She won't listen to me. He's bad for her. All they do is argue," Diane said.

Alexis looked at her and smiled. "Aimee is a big girl mum."

"She's still my child. You know Warren Fox and going know the things he's done. You know everyone thinks he killed Louise. I just don't want it be your sister dead in a ditch because of him," Diane said.

Alexis looked at her and sighed. "If it helps, I'll talk to her. But it won't help. Aimee is stubborn," she said as she stood getting ready for work.

Diane smiled. "She'll listen to you. Just talk to her," Diane said as Alexis sighed and nodded.


Alexis got to work and smirked as she saw Patrick. "Miss O'Connor. How is your day?" He asked as he sat on the desk.

Alexis looked at him and smiled. "It's good Mr Blake. How about you?" She asked.

Patrick smiled and nodded. "Better now I've seen you. I thought that maybe you and I could maybe go for a drink tonight? I thought that we could talk about work. I mean, we have been working closely now that you're head of student welfare," he said.

Alexis looked at him and smirked. She nodded. "Sure. How about we meet at the dog later?" Alexis asked as she looked at Patrick.

Patrick smirked and looked at her. Alexis knew that she found Patrick attractive. But she knew she couldn't go there. He was her boss and she needed to stay professional with him.

Alexis knew she couldn't cross a line with him. It was all too complicated.


Alexis smiled as she got to Aimee's. She smiled as she walked in and looked at her. "I thought that you were avoiding me since I got back?" Alexis asked.

"I was away with Warren. I didn't know you were back," Aimee said.

Alexis nodded and smiled. "Mum wants me to talk to you about Warren," she said as she sat down on the sofa.

Aimee sighed. "You don't need to. I know what you all think of Warren. But I love him. And I know that we're toxic. But we're happy together. Mum is trying to ruin it. And I don't want you to. I just want someone on my side when it comes to Warren. I want you to support me. I'm your sister," Aimee said.

Alexis smiled. "Does he make you happy?" Alexis asked as she took a sip of her water she had bought.

"More than anything," Aimee said.

Alexis smiled and nodded. She sighed. "Then I'm happy for you," she told her as Aimee looked at her and smiled.

Alexis knew she was thinking about Patrick and how much she found him attractive. But could she stop herself from starting something with him?

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