Chapter 1: The Science Contest

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At Harvard University there was a man named Devon Harry was getting ready for his final class of the day. Through the hallways, of hearing countless students talking, not in unison, He was getting the recwired books for said class out of his locker. The class he was getting ready for was a science class, a Quintium Physics class to be exact. Devon has a man of science at heart and has now deadaced his life to become one officially. When he finishes school he will be a surtafied scientist. Packing the books he needed into his backpack he heard a familiar voice.
"Hey Devon you ready for me to show you off in class today?" The man, a mild Japanese accent, asked in a non-joking way.
He looked at him with a raised eyebrow and answered "More like your girlfriend is going to show you off, Artie Chung". Devon said in a crass New York accent. Everyone knows She's the man in the relationship and that your the weak woman that doesn't do nothing about it. And let's fase it man she makes way better grades then you".
Artie skufted and said "she don't run me!...I'm the man!...And I make exceptionary grades".
Artie, in truth, makes barely passable grades. He is literally one wrong move form failing. Some students and teachers wonder how he manages to get as far as he has gotten. He is really intelligent but his test anxieties are a killer for him like a lot of people.
"Yeah! Right! And I'm David Beckham" Devon responded as he looked in the mirror hanging on the backside of his locker door. Devon is a hardy mixer of Italian and German but physical appearance wise he is more Italian. He is naturally bald but has a brown gotye that makes him look really attractive but at the same time mean and dangerous. His skin tone is white but can get a slight tan if he is out in the sun long enough.
Artie open his locker to get books and stuff for class. His locker was 4 lockers away from Devon's. He looked at him self in the mirror hanging from outside of his locker door.
"Well at least I look better then Bruse Lee". Artie looked like the tipcial Asian with white skin. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. One of the things that make him stand out form the rest is his right arm which is slightly longer then the left.
"To easy" he thought to himself. "Yeah your the boot leg version of him" Devon said to Artie.
Artie was annoyed and began to reply back but was interrupted by a female British voice familiar to him.
"baby are you fighting with Devon again?".
Both Artie and Devon looked at the girl and said together "Nelya!?".
"I've been called that sents birth" she said with a smile. "Baby you got my meds right" She asked in a "you better have what I need" tone.
"Yes" he said unenthusiastically. He handed a med container to her from his locker and said "Here this should work".
Neyla rudely snatched it out of his hand. "It better or else your not getting non for a month".
Artie died of embarrassment and Devon didn't even think to laugh. He had a girlfriend too and that's the last thing he wants to hear from his woman.
Neyla Mayfield is a light brown skinned female of Indian descent. She likes wearing traditional women clothing of her culture like a Mekhela Sador, a Sari, a Anarkali Suit and more but she loves her Sari the most. She loves it so much she basically sleeps in it. The interesting thing about her is that despite being of Indian descent she has a British accent. Like all Indian girls who are not married they have a bindi in-between there eyebrows.
"Neyla...are you gonna introduce me to your friends?" a girl that come up behind her, nervously asked.
"Carol! Good to see you coming out of your shell. I didn't even have to drag you to them". Neyla began an introduction for her.
"Bebe and Devon this is Carol Churchill. She is a little nervous talking to people. We used to play with each other when we where little kids in Elementary School".
Carol is a white skinned girl with a more thicker accent then Neyla's. She is a mix of Scottish and New Zealand. She has a brithmark on her arm that looks like a flame but it's a brown color. She loves science. She loves it so mush that she made it her life's goal to be a women of science.
"Aw that's sweet" Devon replied in a sarcastic tone.
Neyla rolled her eye's and said "sorry Devon is a real jerk".
"Oh I'm sorry if I'm not your cup of high tea." Devon said in an insulting british accent while pretending to sip a cup of tea in one hand and holding a saucer plate in the other.
Carol started laughing hysterically at his joke which made Devon rise an eyebrow. Everyone was looking at her which made here confused.
"What it was funny" she replied.
Then the bell rang meaning it was time for next and final class of the day.
"Well I will see you mutant freaks later" Devon said to everyone then he turned around and ran to the class room.
Neyla, Artie and Carol then went to the same class as well. Devon got to his Quantum Physics class, sat down and opened up the books eager to learn.
The class teacher Mr. Brenway started to talk to the students. "Morning class I hope you are doing well this day. Please turn your books to chapter 2: the domain of quantum physics so we can study and review it".
Everyone in the class did just as instructed and then Mr. Brenway spock again as he needed to say something important to say before class started.
"Ok before we get into this I must tell you all something really important but also exciting. Our school is having a science contest starting at the beginning of next month and ends on the final day end of said mouth".
Everyone was stairing and Mr. Brenway with wrapped attention. He realized he had there undivided attention and continued to speck.
"Student's who wish to participate must sign up in the gym when this class is over. You must make an invention themed around quantum physics or at least something to do with science in general. The winner of this competition gets a guaranteed scientist job at Aztech Corp."
After that all the students spoke and mumbled to one another eagerly.
Devon, Artie, Neyla and Carol wanted it to win.
"A challenge, eh! Good, I like a challenge" Artie said happily.
"This could be my chance" Carol sad enthusiastically.
"They might as well make me the winner now" Neyla said with a nasty grin.
"This could be my dream come true. I got to do whatever it takes to win" Draco said full of enthusiasm.
"One last thing Before we start class. You have until tomorrow to sign up. failure to do so will terminate your chances of entering this competition permanently. Speak now or forever hold your peace is basically what I'm saying. So with that out of the way... Get ready to learn all of you!"
So after class they all signed up in the gym. All four of them including the other students that wish to attend had to form a single file line one by one and signed their associated names.
Artie wrote his slowly to make sure his writing was crystal clear. Devon wrote his name fast but still managed to look very legible. Carol wrote her name out of normal pace. Neyla went so slow intentionally just to taunt everybody.
She then went to find her boyfriend and have a chat with him. Devon and Carol caught up with the two of them as they were talking. "Hey bebe what are you going to make?" Neyla asked Artie.
"I'm going to try and make a cloning machine" Artie answered. Artie had a fascination for the idea of clones. he has seen in the movies and wanted to find out if it can really be a possibility or not.
"I'm already making a robot and I think I'm almost finished" Nelya said. Neyla has always wanted to make a robot that would change humanity forever. Some people even say she can be mean as one. And when she talks it's a little robotic to.
"Both of you are so basic!" Devon said amused. "First off, robots are so cliche at this point. Not only that one day if we're not careful they're going to take all of our jobs. Starting with the labor work, I assume. Second off, cloning!? What are you going to try and make two of you Artie? It's bad enough we got one of you in this world".
"Will you shut up, Devon!?" Both Artie and neyla said together.
"No! You know why? because this is a free country and I can say whatever I want" he then looked at Carol "What about you Carol? Are you going to make anything cliche?".
"I'm going to make a multi-universe portal making machine." Carol was always into quantum physics just like Devon. She always fancied herself a women of science. And the multi-universe theory has always been what she wanted to prove.
Devon's eyes opened wide at that answer. "Well I have to say that is definitely not cliche. And that's a very admirable challenge, good luck to that".
"And Neyla said you were a real jerk? What was she thinking?" She said extremely flattered.
The main reason why Devon said what he said was because there was no challenge in what they were doing. he believes that a science fair or any science competition in general should be about challenging yourself and trying ideas that may or may not work. Also ideas that were not already made up. After all the whole point of science is testing to see if your hypothesis can work or not. Whether you succeed or fail it shouldn't matter because it's all about the research on the Discovery.
Carol looked at Devon and asked "thank you Devon whatever it is that you're doing I hope you have good luck in it too. A speaking of which, what are you going to do?".
Devon was about to say what he was going to do but then he stopped. He really didn't know that he was going to do in truth.
"Truthfully, I have absolutely no idea. I don't want to just rush into something with steaks this high. I have to really think about this".
Neyla laughed along with Artie.
"What's so funny, huh?" Devon asked cool and smoothly.
"I'm sorry but we all have something planned out and you don't".
"Literally like I just said a few seconds ago I want to take this seriously unlike you two. I want to win. I'm going to take my time on this. And if you two got a problem with that...well then maybe you guys need to challenge yourselves a little more".
"You can really challenge yourself, Devon" Carol said sweetly "I don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything but you do realize you have till tomorrow to come up with a plan, right?".
"Why should me and him have to try as hard as you?" Neyla asked.
Devon slowly looked at Neyla and Artie. "Let me say it like this. What's the first order of business?".
Both of them looked confused.
"No risk, no reward. Life is about taking risks that is how we learn. As a matter of fact that's what science is all about learning something new through observation studies. Not piggy backing off of someone's ideas. That'll make you a mediocre at best scientist if you succeed that is. But if you try something people deem possible and pull it off you could become one of the greatest minds in the history of the world. Heck you could even change it. That's why I'm taking my time so even if I fail at least I could say I tried my best."
The others were speechless except for Carol.
"You're smart and wise, Devon" Carol said sweetly "I don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything but you do realize you have till tomorrow to come up with a plan, right?".
"I'm aware" He said walking away as he began to think on this immediately.
"Good luck to you!".
"Yeah, good luck!" Neyla and Artie said sarcastically to Devon.
"Good luck to my only worthy competition, Carol". Devon said as he left there company.
"I really hate that man!" Said artie.
"Me too baby, me too!" Neyla agreed.
"oh come on guys he may be a little hard boiled and rough around the edges. But it's not exactly like your a sweet thing Neyla" Carol said.
She was surprised to hear something so bluntly mean come from Carol.
"Well maybe, but at least I try to do right by people".
"Yeah, she tries her best. She ain't perfect but no one in this world is" Artie put in.
"Have you guys always been fighting like this, Artie?" She asked artie.
"No, once upon a time we were friends. Best friends. But then as we got older we started to realize that we had a lot of things that weren't in common anymore. We started having new Passions. And up top of that we both like the same girl at one point. so needless to say we drifted apart".
"It's sad that friendships have to end that way. Friends are meant to last. Or at least they should be. So where do you think he's going?"
"I don't know! Why do you ask?".
"I'm just asking!" She said defensively and stormed off.
Both Artie and Nelya looked at each other with a "what was that all about" look on both of their faces.
Devon looked for to the proper school authorities to receive fundings for his project and then went home and started building a game plan.

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