Chapter 4: Heading Back to Feudal Japan

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   While Devon was still passed out he was strapped on to a hospital bed. This give the team the perfect opportunity to have a private mandatory meeting. They turned the Juggernaut invisible drove to a safe place where no one will be able to run into them and then they started talking.
   "Guys I'm not going to lie that was really sloppy. The department will notice this soon and then be one step closer to tracking us down. We got to be smart and we got to be cunning next time" Dan said.
   "Well it's not like we were alone. We had the Bloodstone Assassin's Guild coming after him" Aaron said.
   Dan agreed saying "ture...but also you shot a futuristic weapon out in the streets".
   "Bebe I did the same thing to but you got understand that was not the mission. Our mission was to safely retrieve the subject and that's what we did. Yeah we could have been more quieter but you got to understand the circumstances that we were in".
   "Guys I know I'm just the guy who manages the Weapon's and ammo but we got to came down and stick together... because no one else will" Elliot said.
   "Yeah! We were not perfect and we never will be. We're all on the run is what it boils down to-". Brock said then was interrupted and mid-sentence.
   "All right! All right!" Dan shouted.
   Everyone looked at Dan in shock.
   "All I'm asking is that the next time we have to take care of business we do it with discreet. Is that understood?"
   "Yes Sir!" Everyone else said.
   "Alright now where getting somewhere".
   Alex looked at there "guest" to see if he was up it didn't look like it so she concentrated on the conversation again. But when in reality Devon was slowly waking up do to the loud outburst of Dan.
   Slowly recovering from unconsciousness he tried to move around but because of the strap's he realized he couldn't move. Confussed he started to struggle and panic. He wanted to speck but couldn't for the stun blast renders there ability to speak useless for a few seconds before waking up from consciousness. The other's notice what was going on and walked over to check on Devon.
   Alex whispered to Dan "he's up Dan. What are we going to do?".
   "I say he stun him again" Dan said out loud.
   "No...we can't keep using stunning pulse laser blast to knock him out. We've already used to much already. One more blast and he could get brain damage. That's the last thing we want for him".
   "That's true it could" Elliot agreed. Alex felt bad for him so she walked to the bed and unrestrained his arms.
   "What are going?" Dan asked Alex.
   "I'm just unstraining his arms. Don't worry!".
   Devon got up as far as he could, looked around, and started asking questions in a state of fear and confusion.
   "What's going on? Where am I? I remember seeing a vehicle jump over my head and then some sort of light coming at me and...I'm I dead?".
   "Sorry buddy your no angel" Dan answered. Devon focused on Dan and pointed to Dan and asked "you there! I want answers! Now what in God's name happened to me! Was I shot? Are you Doctor's?"
   Everyone just started laughing very one except for Alex. Looked more sad if anything. The truth is she envied him.
   "What's so funny!?" Devon asked again somehow even more confussed.
   "Stop laughing you guy's!" Alex yelled. The rest of the gang just stood there with the "okay chill" look on there fase.
   "Who side are you on!" Dan asked.
   "I'm on the side of whoever I think is right side. It's not cool for you to treat him this way".
   Devon still confused but "Uh thanks...who are you?".
   "I'm Alex and these are my co-workers. Dan the leader, Diana the navigator, Aaron the repair man, Brock the muscle and Elliot The weapon specialist. Is there something wrong with you"? Alex put her hands on Devon's chest which made him uneasy.
   "What are you my wet Nurse!? Get off me!" Devon said defensively.
   "Sorry I just wanted to-" she was interrupted by a headbutt from Draco.
   "I don't care! If you do that to me again and your going to lose a finger".
   Alex had both her hands on her forehead, began crying and said "I was just trying to help".
   Alex crying and walking slowly away from Davon made him think about Tamika. It made him feel kinda bad.
   "Nise going There Romeo" Diana said to Devon sarcastically.
   "And who are you supposed to be my Juliet? If that's the case i might as well swallow the posion now".
   Diana took the high road and ignored him but it really bothered her. Everyone else was like dang.
   "Look if you got nothing nise to say don't say nothing at all" Dan said mad that Devon was mean to his girlfriend.
   "Or what?!".
   "I'll...I'll...shot you!" Dan said trying to act all tough but hoping he doesn't call his bluff.
   Devon could tell he was lying and said "no you're not! And you want to know how I know? Because if you were going to kill me you would have already have done it by now. And also I wouldn't be in here in a medical bed getting medical attention".
   Dan then got it into his head that he wasn't dealing with no ordinary person. He knew he was more intelligent than the average man so acting tough wouldn't work. Besides it was not in his character to do something that was violent unless absolutely necessary.
   " called my bluff. I'm not going to kill you...but I can physically hurt or torture you if you become to annoying" he bluffed again.
   Devon knew he was lying again and said "no can't do that either. It'll give you more medical work to do".
   Dan put both his hands on his fase and moaned.
   "Whoever's paying you to kidnap me? I will pay double if you let me go".
   "We're not kidnapping you because someone is paying us. We're not mercenaries before you ask, either" Aaron said.
   "Then why are you taking me away?".
   Dan wanted to tell him but he didn't know how to put this in words to the point where he'll believe him.
   So he replied "look all you need to know for now is-".
   "Guys shut up! The TTPD is having a meeting. I need to listen" Elliot told Everyone.
   As Elliot tried to listen to the sound on the radio he could hear a woman talking. Everyone turned around to observe. The transmission of which could really only be heard by Elliot himself since he was the closest.
   "Yeah boss I know the Bloodstones failed to kill Devon but don't worry I got more of the best coming his way."
   "Good he's probably captured by the rogue police officers by now. And there probably about to figure out there next plan to take us down and ruin our plan to" another woman said.
   "Which means we must begin phase two of the plan. Is Alejandro ready to start in Feudal Japan?".
   "Yes and I'm prepared as well if needed".
   "Good! You know what to not fail me or else you will know the definition on pain and suffering. Got it!?".
   "Yes boss I will not disappoint you. Over and out".
   Elliot turned to the other's and said "all I got was a plan with no hints at how the two female's are. Sorry Dan".
   "Great!" Dan said sarcastically.
   Elliot then grabs Dan's arm to go into the bathroom so they can talk privately. Dan was confused for a second but then he realized what he was doing and followed him into the bathroom. Dan and Elliot, now inside the room, started speaking about what he really wanted to say.
   "Okay Dan the truth is I got one detail out of them...They're going back to some time period called Feudal Japan".
   Dan stacked his head trying to wrap his head around why the two girls would be there.
   "Feudal Japan? I've never heard of that Time Period. What are they doing there? And what is there plan?".
   "I don't know but if I were you I would yesterday".
   "Your right! If there any chance to get evidence about who those two anonymous women are we need to set a chorse there. Follow me!"
   They both went out the room and Dan ordered everyone to huddle up.
   "ok everyone listen up!" He said quietly trying to make sure Devon didn't hear. "We're going to Feudal Japan on a mission. We must find out who these two mysterious women are and what they know about the Mastermind. Everyone get to your posts and prepare to make a jump". "Yes sir" everyone said then scattered to their posts. "Alex prepare to jump to Feudal Japan!" Brock said. "Already on it!". "What's going here!? why am I being taken to Japan of all places?" Devon spoke as loud as he could. No one answered him so finally he gave up and realized he was going to have to get out of this mess himself if he wanted answers. He tried to use his hands to get out of the restraints on his legs. He pulled, yanked and tugged profusely but to no avail. Then all the sudden he can feel moved it was slow at first but then accelerated. It felt like the juggernaut was flying around after awhile. Alex came over to Devon to see if he was feeling motion sickness. "Are you okay Devon? Are you sick by any chance?". Devon looked at her and said "Oh I'm sick...Sick of my questions not being answered". "I'm sorry but Dan's the only one that should tell you that. He'll tell you when he comes up with the right words. But until then just lay down and relax. Your in good hands I promise". "Can you at least answer me this? Are you going to do anything harmful to me?". She put her hand gently on his face and answered "no I promise you we have no intention of hurting you. You're going to have to trust us on this. I promise won't regret it". Remembering that he doesn't like to be touched she immediately put his hands off his face in embarrassment. "Sorry I forgot you don't like to be touched. I'll just go" Alex said as she walked away. He wanted to say something but he couldn't say anything. It's like something was stuck inside his chest like he couldn't breathe. Then he felt the juggernaut stopping hard. Everyone was holding on to something and Devon had nothing to hold on so he jurked forward. The force of which cracked his back like a chiropractor treatment. "Ok we need to scope out the land and then come back when we have an idea of where we are. who is going to watch Devon and make sure he does not get out?". No one answered but Alex. "I'll make sure he doesn't get out". Dan look at her with a "yeah right" look on his face. "You must be out your mind" Dan said. "Look Dan I might not be the fastest or the smartest on this team and a rookie...but we are all that's left. We can't trust anyone else and I want to help out. I don't want to be the person who stands on the sidelines. Please give me a chance! Please!". "Ok ok ok! Here's what I'm going to do... I'm going to give you a chance. If you succeed I will make you my go-to girl if you like. But if you fail to do your job your going to stay right where you are on the team as of now. Do you got it?". "Yes I promise". "Ok then, you watch him and make sure on your live that he doesn't escape. The rest of you...follow me" he said opening the door with a scan of his fingerprint on a futuristic looking fingerprint lock. The Juggernaut door opened and then everyone except for Devon and Alex went outside and starts the perimeter. The door closed then Alex turned to Devon with a "i'm still mad at you" fase. "So..." Alex said. "So what?" Devon asked. "Nothing...I just-". "If you want an apology you can forget it. I don't like it when someone puts their hands on me. Especially a girl that isn't my girlfriend or wife". She took a deep breath and said "ok I get that and i'm's just that I want help you but I can't. And I also kinda like you". "Well aren't we forward". Devon needed to get out of the juggernaut. Luckily he had an idea. Alex liked Devon and he knew it. so he thought he would use that to his advantage. If he can get close to her he could trick her into letting him go. He then said "well you look really hot to me. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid you didn't like me". Alex felt flattered and happy saying "Do you really mean it?". "Yeah I mean if you want to rub my chest to make me feel relaxed, I'll allow it". She was felt with the strong urge to do so. She tried to stop herself but she couldn't find it in herself to do it. She walked to him slowly and put her hands honest chest and rubbed slowly. Devon felt better than if he was in a Jacuzzi tub. Alex held nothing back as see started. He got her in a good position but he wanted to make sure her guard was completely lowered. "So tell me a little about yourself". she didn't want to tell him anything because she was hiding too big of a secret already. Not just about our mission but also about her background. "Oh...You know there's...Not much to tell". "Come on you said you would make me feel better well this could also help. you don't have to tell me something big and deep. You just got to say something". She really didn't know what to say so she had to think deeply. "Okay well let's see-". "While you're thinking can you lose these restraints so I can feel a little less in danger?" Feeling guilty she said "". "Well you can let these leg restraints loose so I can stretch my legs a little bit". "How do I know you won't run away?". "I don't know how to get out and I don't have it in me to run away. Just let me go for a few minutes...I won't tell the other's. It'll be a little secret." "Ok" Alex simply said then unstrained Devon legs. Almost immediately he kick her in the fase as hard as he could. Sliding of the bed he ran and slammed her to the wall. She tried to get out but it was no use because he had her in a bad and unexcapable position. Regards she struggled as he said "ok you got one chance...Open up that door for me or I'll make you".

Devon and the Time Travel Police Book 1Where stories live. Discover now