Chapter 3: Running For My Life

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Three people where on top of a building roof. Two men and one woman. The woman was wearing a black jumpsuit same as the men. It looked futuristic and unique. She was a brunette with blue eyes and a little tan on her as well. She was a half Irish half Native American breed. The woman looked through the scope of sniper rifle to look at Devon.
"It looks like he is alone in the room. If I see anyone should I shoot them?" The women asked.
"No! We don't want to scare him off. He will come outside to get into his car and go home to hide his plans. And when he does we'll be there to get him. We have to do this quietly if we don' could change everything." the man to her right said.
"Right" the woman simply said I'm and kept on looking at Devon.
The man to her right was bold with Haseal eyes and thin lip's. He was also a full blooded french man. The man on women's right picked up a unique walkie talkie and spoke into it.
"Dan to Aaron! Dan to Aaron! Are you in position? Over!".
Aaron responded very quietly saying "Roger! I'm in position inside the college. I'm outside the room he is in. I'm ready to move in if needed".
"Good just stay there and don't move a muscle unless instructed to. Is that understood?".
"Yes sir" Aaron said looking around making sure no one is inside the hallway he is in.
Aaron is a red headed German man with two different colored eyes. The right eye was blue and the left eye was green. He also had a thin red mustache and some fase freckles.
Dan spoken to his walkie talkie again. "Dan to Alex! Dan to Alex! Do you read me? If yes are you in the juggernaut ready to move?".
"Yes sir I'm ready when you are. Just say the word and Brock and I will come in hot" Alex answered.
"Good! Just checking! Over and out!" Dan finished and hoisted his walkie-talkie.
Brock was a big strong muscular guy of Black American heritage. He has blue eyes but some say green. His hair is braided and long and a big scar on his fase. It's hard to see due to his dark skin tone but it's there.
Alex is a girl with shortly cutted brown hair. She has purple eyes and unannounced to everyone else has lied about her race. She claims she is a French descent but does not the case.
The woman with the sniper saw someone that looks suspicious in got a bad feeling.
"Um...Babe! There's someone down there...I don't recognize him".
"Let me see that" Dan said while getting the sniper rifle form her and looking throw it's scope.
This scope was specifically modified to look through somebody's records. Criminal, medical, and any personal stuff that you can name. He looked around and eventually saw who she was looking at. It took the scope a few seconds for him to figure out who that person was but when he did his eyes opened wide.
"Rocky Miller" he whispered in a fearful tone.
Rocky Miller is also known as "The Plague Doctor" due to him always wearing a Vintage Black Plague Doctor Outfit. Complete with Leather Mask Black Robes and everything that comes with it. Sceond Class Assassin of the Bloodstone Assassin's Guild, six foot three inches, wanted in 20 cities, four being Capital, and the other 16 being small cities.
"That's Rocky Miller! From the Bloodstone Assassin's Guild. Change of plans we need to grab him and get out of!".
Dan picked up his walkie-talkie again and spoke to everyone.
"Mayday! Mayday! The Bloodstones are coming for Devon! Initiate plan B! I repeat initiate plan B!".
Alex responded saying "Roger" and started to drive the juggernaut to the plan b location.
Aaron was confused and asked "But wait aren't we supposed to wait untill-".
"Do that your supposed to do that's an order!".
Aaron rolled his eyes and said "ok I'm going in".
He got a unique pistol out and went into the room at Devon was in. He entered in as quietly as he could. Devon was completely oblivious of what is going on or what's about to happen. He was still thinking about what was missing for his invention still.
He knew it had to have been a energy cell of some sort. The problem was he didn't know what type of energy sore to use. He knew it had to be a large amount infinite to be more precise. But he didn't know what.
Aaron can hear footsteps coming down the hallway so he ran up to Devon in an apartment to knock him out. Devon almost figured out what he needed but he heard loud footsteps which frecked him out and turn around. As soon as Devon saw Aaron he punched him right in the nose. His nose broke making him moan in pain and caused bleeding. Some of the blood got on to the floor.
Devon in his fighting stance said "who are you and what are you doing here in the middle of night?".
"I will explain everything if you will just come with me" Aaron said.
"No you freak I'm not coming with you. Who do you think you are the police!?".
Realizing he could not answer that Aaron said "Come with me right now or I will be forced to stun you".
Devon thought he was a crazy person so he kicked Aaron in the balls and then he ran to the door leading into the hallway.
Just before Devon could make it Aaron pulled out a pistol and shot him in his back. It was not a bullet that hit his back though. It was a stuning Pulse Laser which only made him fall to the floor still conscious. Aaron got close Devon to protect him. Two Bloodstone Assassin's opened the room door.
With two Laser blasts Aaron stunned both of them, started to drag a barely conscious Devon and then headed to the rendezvous point.
The women with the sniper was still outside shooting at Assassin's outside. They were all attempting to shoot at her all the way down there. It was like a Star Wars plasma gun fight.
The women got a walkie talkie call in the middle of fighting on the roof still. "Diana! this is Aaron! I need sniper support wall I bring him down stairs to the extraction points. Help me! Over".
Using her walkie talkie she said "I can't! I'm to busy with these Assassin's outside".
"Don't worry Aaron I'm tracking you form the inside of the school. I'm help you. Everyone else either get in the Juggernaut or help me and Aaron out! Over and out!" Dan replied to everyone.
Diana turned her invisibility suit on and sneaked past the assassin's that where shooting at her from the streets. Alex and Brock where still in the juggernaut driving the back off the school to take Devon. Elliot, The other man that was on the roof with Diana and Dan jumped onto the juggernaut got in through the door. Using his magnetic shoes it was easy.
Elliot is a dirty blonde haired guy with green eyes. He is a mixture of Mexican and Egyptian.
Diana Dan and Aaron got together to get Devon down stairs. They finally made it down stairs to the lowest floor and waited for the other's to get them. The Assassin's went down the stairs surrounded them ready to stab them with there unique colourful glowing knife's.
Aaron Diana and Dan used there gun's to make them all run for cover and to stole them. As everyone was fighting Devon came to and slowly started to realize he was in danger. So he started to run out the back door. But all the sudden something big came bursting through the walls knocking pieces of the wall in multiple locations all around the room.
All the assassins got knocked out but Dan Diana and Aaron we're quick enough to dodge the scattering pieces of the wall. Devon realised it was the backside of a vehicle. The backside of said vehicle opened up and revealed a girl standing in front of the back entrance.
"Come guys! Get in we got to hurry!" Devon ran outside by the hole in the wall.
Aaron realized Devon was getting away blasted at him and missed.
"Dang it I missed! I got him!" Aaron said he chased after him outside. The rest of the team went inside the Juggernaut and followed him.
"Stop right now...or I shot!" Aaron shouted.
"Get away form me! You're going to be arrested for this!" Devon shouted back.
Aaron had no time for this so he took another shot and the Laser grazed his the upper part of his left arm hurting him a little bit. Aaron realised his gun was on kill in instead of stun. He had just remembered that he changed it from stun to kill to distract the Assassin's. He stopped to change briefly to change the settings on his gun.
The Juggernaut jumped over Devon's head and landed in front of him to block his way. Then Devon turned around to run away but Aaron was already for a shot. He pulled the trigger and fired successfully knocking Devon out again. Then Aaron picked him up put him in the juggernaut and then the team got ready to plan their next move.

Devon and the Time Travel Police Book 1Where stories live. Discover now