Chapter 6: The Hitman and the Ninja

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"Who is shooting at as?" Devon asked as his heart pounded harder than it ever had pounded before. "I don't know. But it looks like it's an hitman from the future trying to get his reward" Dan said. Devon looked to see if the person was there. He got a good look and didn't see her. So naturally he assumed that she wasn't there. So he walked slowly away from the wall. "What are you going man? He mite still be there" Aaron said. "Get over here that's an order" Dan said. "Are you my boss? I don't think so". "Just get over here! He could be reloading or something". Just then Devon felt pressure on his throat like someone was choking him. He began levitating off the ground and into the air. The force of the choke was so strong he couldn't even breathe or talk. Dan put on his glasses to look and see if the Hitman was handling Devon. He could see quite clearly who the Hitman was. Danielle Petrova, number two on the FBI's Most Wanted List. She is extremely tall, seven foot three inches to be more precise. She's mixed being mostly German and Latino. She has a thick sexy female German accent that could make you melt. She's a master of any weapon that you can think of but she prefers to use poison's as most of her victims have succumb to. Her futuristic suit was all red cover all onesie with a zipper on the front. The team never thought in a million years they would see her. Dan stepped in saying "Danielle Petrova put him down in the name of the law!". She looked at Dan, through Devon on the ground, which gave him some time to catch his breath and said "well well well! If it isn't the rogue cops form the future. You are all worth a good price too". She ran at them attempting to attack them. They all fought her all at once except Dan. He ran to Devon saying "Devon give me the bag!". Danielle got out of gun and attempted to shoot Dan but Diana stop the shot and it back fired. Then Aaron when in for a punch but Danielle dodged it. Brock went in for a kick and missed as well. Just then Danielle jumped and roundhouse kicked both Aaron and Brock. As everyone else was still fighting her Dan ran to Devon and said "are you ok?". Then he got the bag form him trying to get weapons for him and everything and put it on the ground. Devon tried to speak through a burning throat. "I'm...fine...just...stop her". "Will do!" Dan said as he got a gun from the bag then focused a shot at Danielle. The shot successfully hit her. But she was not affected at all. "What?! She most have some sort of plasma blast absorbing shield on her too. How am I supposed to stop her?". "Water" Devon said. "I don't have any water for you". "! Use the...Water...on her...suit!". Dan realize that Danielle's suit had water sensitive equipment on it. So if it were to get wet it would short out and then she would be vulnerable to a plasma blast. "Good thinking!" Dan said as he ran to her and prepared to splash her. He squatted his knees down still running, cupped his hand and filled it with water. When he got real close he splash the water on to her. It Successfully wedded her but it wasn't enough to cause a reaction. Danielle kick Dan square in the face knocking him down. Diana dragged her down on the ground with both of them rolling in the water. Brock and Alex teamed up to take her down by grabbing a hold of both there arms. The rest of them tried to hit her but it was no use for even held by both arms she was good a dodging. Regaining his energy, Devon looked for something to defend himself with in the bag. He saw glasses, guns, small knife's, nightstick's, walkie-talkies and more. But one thing that caught his eye was a pair of what looked like metal gauntlet's. He put them on hoping it had the ability to knock someone back. Alex got down and saw Devon with the gauntlet's on and ran to him. "Devon that's genius! Using the Aqua Bending Gauntlet's could stop her" said Alex. "Is that what these things are? do I use them?" Devon asked. She used both of her hands to turn them on and then quickly told him how to use it. Danielle looked at Devon and realised she needed to take him in. So she used a force push blast gloves on her hands to force throw Dan, Diana, Brock, Aaron and Elliot. After doing that she ran straight to Devon. He realized what Danielle was trying to do and his right hand forward. This made a large amount of water which moved forward like a small tidal wave. The water wave made her sock and wet. Then she tried to use her PK hold from a distance. But when she tried to use it on Devon and Alex it didn't work. The other's tried to help but  Dan but because of her blaster weapon they didn't want to risk it. "What's going on?" Danielle asked nervously. She tried everything but nothing on her suit works. "Well looks like your futuristic gadget's aren't going to get you out of this jam" Devon said tauntingly. Mad Danielle said "I guess no one ever told mess with a women you get slapped". "If you even try to touch me I will break every bone in your body". The other's thought to themselves "calm down Devon". "Well see about that" almost immediately after saying that Danielle ran closer trying to get out a futuristic pistol. She held the gun up ready to fire but Devon moved his right hand up then sideways making a water whip. The water whip whipped the gun out of her hands before she could fire. The gun also moved away with the current of the water. "Good luck getting it back sweetheart!" Devon taunted Danielle again. This made her so angry she quickly look for another gun on her. But unfortunately she had no more gun's. "Aw don't feel to bad you got two more guns" Devon said as he flexed his arms. "They might not have no ammunition but there gun's none the less". At that point Danielle was ready to explode with wrathfulness. So she just ran as fast as her leg could manage. She tried to put her hands on Devon but he was quick to punch. Then he proceeded to rapidly punch her and finishing it off with an uppercut. The force of wish knocked her back a little. Then Devon made a big water wave pushing her back further. While trying to cough water out of her system she said "Come on! Try something I didn't expect!". He put on a "okay" face and raised a big ball of water into the air. Which he then proceeded to turn his hands into fists. In doing so the ball of water froze into an ice ball. He grabbed it with his bare hands and ran to her. She knew what he was trying to do but she couldn't move because she was too exhausted. As he got close to her he jumped into the air and smashed it on her head. The force of the ice ball hitting her head broke her nose. Not long after she started screaming and agonizing pain. As the ice ball rolled away Devon grabbed her and pinn her down to make sure she doesn't get up. "You broke my nose!" Danielle said still in pretty bad pain. "I'm going to break a whole lot more than that if you didn't tell me what's going on" Devon yelled his hard as his lungs would allow him to. "I not saying nothing!" She screamed just as loud. Devon proceeded to punch her rapidly again. The other's except for Alex tried to step in and came him down. But Devon pulled out a futuristic gun and said "If you guy's try and stop me your guys are going to be next! I only need one of you guys alive to take me back home. Just remember that". The others backed up then Devon proceeded with the interrogation with Danielle. Alex came in from behind him and actually helped him. "Look Danielle! We can do this the easy way or we can do is the hard way. The choice is yours" Alex said. "Alex what are you doing? We need to keep her alive not kill her!" Dan said. "I know! That's why I'm giving her a choice. She can either cooperate or we beat her to with an inch of her life". "Now you're speaking my language Alex" Devon said enthusiastically. Devon realized that even though he had help it needed a whole lot more than brute strength to get something out of her. So he started thinking of ways he can get her to talk. Then a very diabolical plan came into his mind. He use the Water Bending Gloves to raise her into the air. But the thing is there was no water to raise her up. Danielle got really terrified and spastic. The others were confused and amazed especially Alex. Alex asked "how are you doing that?". "Well...the human body has blood in it right? What do you think blood is mostly comprised of?" Devon asked. Alex crashed her head in confusion and started to think. Then it came to her and she said "water!". "Bingo water! 60 to 65% to be exact. So if I move these hands just right...I can cause her more physical pain but also psychological pain". He said bending her blood forcing her all around the room. Even moving her body in ways that shouldn't even be possible for a human. Twisting her arms, smashing her up against the walls and spin her body like a dreidel. Then he made her body bend backwards really far to the point where in starts to snap her spine. "Please...stop...I'll talk!" Danielle finally spoke as she done being violently thrown around and tortured. Devon trusted her and gently put her down. Still bending her blood and putting out his gun he asked "okay answer the questions and no harm will come to you. First question do you know the name of the person that hired you to kill me?". "No I don't. She wouldn't tell me her real name. When I first spoke to her she used an alias. Probably to avoid any one discovering her". "Do you know what she looks like?". "No! She used some type of futuristic black armor. It covered up everything about her including her face". "Do you at least know what she sounds like?". "Well...she used some sort of voice modifier. But from what I could hear it could have been either British or Australian". "British or Australian? Well it helps us out I guess. Well if there is nothing else that you know-". Just then Alex slapped on the handcuffs on Danielle and said "your under arrest and coming with us to the juggernaut. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law". "You forgot you have the right to remain silent too" Devon remember her. Alex got a grip on Danielle and got her on her feet. "Do you want me to come with her just in case something happens?" Diana asked Dan. Dan nodded. And without even saying a word Diana followed Alex back to juggernaut. Dan walked up to Devon for a man to man apology. "Hey man I got something I need to say to you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth before. I...wanted to tell you but...I didn't know how to say it in a way that you would believe me. But I guess that there really is no sane way to say that we are time traveling police officer from the future. Also that me and my crew our rogue operatives that had no choice but to run away. Can we just pretend this never happened and start all over?". Devon didn't want to admit it but he knew from what he saw they we're not only telling the truth. But he also knew that his life was in very real danger. So he had only one choice and that was to just forget it and trust them. "Yeah sure! Just make sure I'm safe". "Of course! Just follow me and the others to the Juggernaut" Dan said then he whisled for everyone to follow him out the cave. So Eillet, Brock, Aaron, and Devon followed him out the cave as well. As they walk through the forest to get back the juggernaut they didn't know they where being followed. There was someone moving and watching them in the trees. As they got to the juggernaut Alex explained to Devon how the water bending gloves work. "So how do these gloves work?" Devon asked. "Water bending, or Hydrokinetics, if you want to call it that, works because of a magnetic force" Alex answered. Devon was confused "water is not magnetizable! It has no iron and no metal in it so how can it be magnetized at all?". "Well you're right it's not magnetic. The truth is it's Diamagnetic, meaning that any positive or negative charge, will repel it. But the gauntlets doesn't just work with water you know. It also works with Gold, Mercury, Wood and others to". Devon race his eyebrow and said "huh I'll keep that in mind". Devon felt really sad about how he treated her earlier. "Hey Alex! I'm sorry for how I treated you back at the juggernaut. I was just...i have no excuse. Do you hate me?" Devon asked. "No! I don't hate you. Then I get it you were scared and no one was answering your questions. if I were in your shoes I'd probably do the same thing you did" Alex answered. As they approached the Juggernaut at last Dan turned to all of them and spoke "okay everyone here's what we're going to do. Ladies you take are "guest" inside in the cell. The boy's and I will find out what's going on here". So everyone went and did their duties. " what do we do? How do we find out who is behind all this?" Aaron asked. "If you mean the Mastermind we'll just have to stop the people who are making changes in history for her. Then we can ask them some questions. The more we know the closer will be to figuring out who is behind this. After that we can safely go back to the future no problem and stop them" Dan answered. "And how are we going to find the people who are working for the Mastermind?" Devon asked. "Oh trust me they won't be to hard to find. They almost always wear clothes from the future, talk out of the norm from the time period they're in or just have some fancy futuristic weapon's, gadget's or suit's on them" Brock said. "Wait shouldn't we find out what the Mastermind is planning first before finding out where she is?" Devon asked. "Yes and no. Yes we are going to have to find that out at some point. But also no because who ever she hired to do what she needs them to do in this era is connected to her plan. If we get the people that work closest to her we can put the pieces together like a puzzle until we figure it out" Dan answered. Devon then heard a swift sound close to them. "Did you hear that?" Devon ask hoping they all say yes. But who is misfortune they all said "no". Then the juggernaut door opened and out came Alex and Diana ready to join in. Devon didn't know this time period very well and what was in this era. "Dan do you know anything about this time period?" Devon asked. He nodded his head right and left. "I don't! But I know how we can find out" Alex said get out a futuristic phone. She then went to google and asked "Hey Google tell me about Feudal Japan". Google took a second to process the question and pulled up articles based on the question. Then Dan opened up the top article and read it. "The feudal period of Japanese history was a time when powerful families (daimyo) and the military power of warlords (shogun), and their warriors, the samurai ruled Japan. One of the most familiar family's is the Yamato family. The Yamato remained as emperor, but their power was seriously reduced because the daimyo, shoguns, and samurai were so powerful. During this time period, the emperor appeared at ceremonies, celebrations, and parades, but had no real control over the people.  This is the time periods when Japan becomes very different than China. Japan often tried to model themselves after China, but during feudal times, Japan created their own unique identity. Feudalism is a type of government where a weak monarchy (emperor) tries to control an area of land through agreements with wealthy landholders." "So in simplest terms we are in medieval Japan?" Devon asked. "Basically! Hold on I'll download it to me brain". As Dan downloaded the history of Feudal Japan into her brain Devon heard that Swift sound again. It sounded like it came from the top of the juggernaut. He looked up into his surprise there was someone standing up there. It was a girl dressed up in all raggedy clothes. She looked like a farmer. Devon didn't really know what to think but she was sneaky and sketchy. Her moves were so good he thought that maybe she was a ninja. "Guy's look!" Devon tried to warn them. Before everyone even turned around she backflips out of sight. The others looked but they didn't see anything so they were too late. They look back at Devon and Dan ask "are you ok?". Then the girl jumped back on and off the juggernaut and jumped straight to Devon. Devon saw her and grabbed her from the front of her clothes and forced her on to the ground. Devon and the other's got there laser guns and pointed it at the girl. The girl got up on its feet pulled out a sword and said "who are you? And why are you here?" In ancient Japanese. "Who's That girl?" Elliot asked. Devon knew from that katana sword there was no doubt in his mind who she was. "That's a ninja" Devon answered.

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