Chapter 5: Into the Woods

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Meanwhile in the woods Dan was still looking around and was about to call everyone via walkie-talkie. "Dan to everyone, Dan to everyone, come in everyone. Has anyone found something? Over!" Dan said. "I don't see a village or anything of interest near by. Over and out!" Diana said. "I don't see anything!" Brock said. "No not me!" Elliot said. "I found a river. That could lead to something." Aaron said. "Ok everyone go to Aaron's location. I'll meet you there shortly. Over and out!" Just as Dan was about to walk to the rendezvous Dan realized he didn't hear anything form Alex. He again used his walkie-talkie. "Dan to Alex! I repeat Dan to Alex! Is Devon with you?". Alex was still pinned against the wall inside the juggernaut by Devon. He can hear the walkie-talkie looked at Alex and wispered "don't tell him anything". Alex wanted to tell Dan but she didn't have much of a choice. If she pulled a weapon out she would get hurt. If she said something she would get in trouble. So she said in to the walkie-talkie "Devon is ok... everything is fine. Over and out!". Devon waited a few seconds just in case they could still hear them then said "Smart choice now use your hand to open the door...NOW!" She did just that fearful for her life. He noticed a caring bag and grab it just in case it had some food or weapons or something. Then he grab Alex by the arm taking her as pretection from the others should he run into them or anything he could use her for. She didn't even bother struggling because she knew what was on the bag. She also knew that once he figured out what was in there and how to use it he could figure out who they are. So she walked along and hoped she would be discovered. Meanwhile the other's went a little down the strem but couldn't find a close village. So they decided to head back to the juggernaut. When they made it back Dan realized that the door was opened. "Why is that door open ed?" Dan asked. "I don't know. I'll check it out" Arron said and walked in to check. Aaron looked around and it didn't take him long to realize that Devon was not strained onto the medical bed. He ran outside and then said to everyone in painc "GUYS! Devon is GONE! He must have ascaped or something. Dan what do we do?". Infuriated and Fearful that Alex messed up he tried to call her via walkie talkie. "Alex pick up now! I repeat pick up now!". He didn't receive an answer so he asked again. "Alex pick up! Pick u-". "Lesson here you psycho" Devon said using Alex's walkie-talkie "You're not giving me the information that I want and I'm not happy with it. So I'm going to give you a choice. You can either meet up with me where I say we're going to meet up and tell me what's going on or she dies. I'm at a cave probably not too far from that vehicle's location. And I have no doubt that either I or Alex probably left a trail for you to follow. Either tell me what I want to know or she dies". Afterwards Devon ended the call and went into the cave still dragging Alex. Dan hoisted his walkie-talkie and then put on some unique futuristic sunglasses form his utilitie belt. "Everyone stand back...I've got myself a crime scene". Everyone moved back and gave him some room. He used the glasses to rewind time in a digital form to see what happened. The glasses he was using were special and only used for time traveling police. They were made to look at a crime scene and show exactly what happened. It could rewind and fast forward the whole crime scene if you had enough information and clues. He first scanned the ground for footprints using heat signature. He found two different trails that where still fresh. He knew they belonged to Devon and Alex but what didn't know was why they where so close to each other. His glasses showed him that they both ran out the door but with Devon pulling her by the hand looking not to friendly. "Looks like she was kidnapped and couldn't defend her self. How did he get free? And how did he get out?" Dan thought. He went inside the juggernaut for more evidence. He looked around for more evidence and seeing if anything was missing. He noticed the carrying bag was missing. He then looked at the hand scan lock on the juggernaut door. He used a fingerprint scan on the lock to show recent fingerprints. And the most recent fingerprints that came up was Alex's. He also noticed to that there was heat signatures on the wall close to the Juggernaut door. He looked at the original crime scene and used the information he had for an update. The beginning showed Devon and Alex having a fight up against the wall. Then he forced her to open the door with her own handprints. Then he took the Carrying Bag and then forced her by the arm into the woods. "This was a act of desperation and fear alright. Devon played the tough guy act and Alex feel for it hook line and sinker. Why did I think this was going to end well. And if that wasn't bad enough he has our weapon's. Now all I need to know how he got free from his restraints and the I can search for them" Dan thought again. He got to the bed and looked for heat signatures. The glasses found two different signatures close to each other. The body heat was Devon's and the hand heat belonged to Alex. Upon inspection of the leg restraints revealed fingerprints that belonged to Alex. He updated the crime scene one last time and started watching it. "Devon tricked Alex into kissing him using psychological warfare. Then he used a similar technique to let him go with his restraints. Then he resorted to violence to get his way. Then he made off with the bag and Alex all the while running off into the woods. She could be in very big trouble I got to hurry" Dan thought after which he ran outside to run into the woods again. Still using his glasses to follow the trail made by Devon and Alex. All running he said "everyone I know what happened! follow me!". After which everyone followed him. "what happened? Where is Devon? And where is Alex?" Diana asked. "Simple put she was psychologically manipulated and controlled by our "hostage" as he refers to himself". "Is she alright?". "I think so but we should hurry. He didn't sound too happy over the walkie a matter of fact he sounded insane". "Just what until I get a hold of him. I'll make him pay for this" Brock said. "Don't do it Brock! We need him alive. remember our mission?". "Yes I know but you got admit this guy is not making it easy for us". "be that as it may...stop!". Dan saw Devon's trail go into a cave not to far form where they were all standing and made them stop. Then he quickly and quietly said "the trail ends in that cave. Follow me!". He raised his left arm put out his index finger on to his lips and made the "shhhh" noise. Then used his right hand to single them to follow him quietly. The other's crouch down and follow Dan into the cave. Devon had Alex handcuffed in the middle of the cave. She just sat down on the ground waiting for the others to come. The cave was vast and beautiful with a one inch water level inside. It had big healthy green Japanese trees inside as well. There was just enough outside light in the cave to make it look like something straight out of a movie. On top of the clear water stood lily pads. Devon on the other hand was walking around waiting for something to happen. He had a futuristic gun in hand ready for battle as well. He got the gun and cuffs because he had looked into the bag. He doesn't know what's going on still but he was going to find out under any circumstances. Dan looked at the two form a distance to see if it's ok to save her. Devon didn't suspect a thing and wasn't within sight. "Come on guy's let's go!" Dan said as he ran to Alex with the other's running with him. Alex notice the others and was worried that they would get caught. She quietly said to them "guys go! he's armed! Don't come any closer!" "It's alright! I got you just let me see-". "Don't even think about trying to free her Dan. I'll got a gun and I ain't afraid to use it" Devon said at gunpoint on the right side of him carrying the bag. Dan looked to see if he was serious. When you found out he was in fact not lying he thought "oh crap" then he put his arms and stood up fading him. The other's did the very same thing without even being ordered. Devon moved behind Alex and said in a serious voise "ok now that I have your undivided attention...this is the last time I'll ask nisely. Tell me what I want to know and Alex won't get hurt. Simple! So simple even someone like you can understand". "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" Dan said. Devon put the gun to Alex's head and said "Try me". Dan realized he had no choice. He had no gun, he had no real weapon that can protect him from the gun that Devon has, and even if you did he had the upper hand. "Ok what question do you want to know first?". "Alright that's more like it. Ok first off...what the heck are you guys?". "We are police officers...time traveling police officers...from the future. If there's a problem with time we fix it". Devon look at Dan with a raise the left eyebrow. He didn't believe him at first but then he figured he was building a time machine so maybe there was a chance that it worked. But it had to have been in a different outcome of the future. Before he remembered that he did not finish his machine just yet. "That time machine that you made in Harvard for that contest it worked" Alex said. So then he asked "but I didn't finish the time machine and I didn't even bring the blueprints with me. How did you guy even have a chance to time travel?". "Because we have the technology to do it. As long as we have the technology we can do it. Wait...did you just say you didn't finish the original machine!?". On his guard ready to shoot he said "yes I didn't finish it! I was interrupted! Wait I'm the one asking the question here not you!". Dan went into panic mode with his hands on his head repeatedly saying "this is bad". "Okay since I broke him does anyone else want to fill in the questions?". "I do it! he's going to be like that for a while" Aaron said moving Dan off to the side so he can do him. "Alright then...Why is me not finishing the machine a big deal if you already have the technology?". "Well time travel is pretty complex but I'll try and make this simple. If you go back in past and cause a change that changes something in the present or even the future. We call this the "Grandfather Affect". For example, if you go back in time, and kill your grandfather, your grandfather doesn't make your father, and your father doesn't make you. And if something like that happened slowly but surely you would disappear. It would be like you were turning transparent and you would keep on becoming even more transparent until you eventually fade away". Devon took a second to process all that and asked "why did you kidnap me when I was trying to finish my machine?". "We didn't kidnap you we rescued you". "Rescued me from what exactly?". "Well assassins for starters. Also ex-military personnel, professional Hitman, money hungry criminal's and plenty other's who hate you in the future". "Why do people hate me? Is it because of my invention? Or will I do something in the future to warrant there distaste". "Well yes and no! You see in the future you make the time machine obviously...But what you don't know is that there are two groups of people that are made because of this. The Pro-Time Travelist's and the Anti-Time Travelist's. The Pro-Time Travelist's think the idea is the greatest thing since toilet paper and it should be shared with the world. And the Anti-Time Travelist's think it's the worst thing since the Ouija board and should be destroyed, illegalized, demonized eta. They would have arguments so badly that they would even create riots out on the streets. So at one point the government decided it would be a good idea to step in. And also our own TTPD station had a warrant for his arrest even though you did nothing wrong. We knew it was very very wrong so that's why we decided to go rogue and save you". It sounded pretty obvious to Devon. Some people thought the idea was good and some people thought the idea was bad. Nothing to really make him believe them yet so he continued. "Ok so...Since I technically did not make the machine originally what would that mean for your future?" Aaron just stood there quietly for he did not know the answer to that. Brock intervened and filled in the answer "I know what would happen. ". Devon needed one more question answered. This is to Make It or break It deal to know if they're really telling the truth. "All right one more question. Who is the Mastermind behind all this?". "Stop...I will answer that one" Dan said not freaking out anymore. He directed his tension to Devon and said "if truth be told we don't know. There a lot of rumors and speculations about who she is...". "She! As in the one behind this is a girl? Is that all you know?". Dan put his right hand on his head in frustration and said "unfortunately yes. And until we get more information we cannot come back to the future. Much less our own workstation. Were wanted men and women. We were all framed and that's why we're on the run. And that's all we know right now I swear". Devon was torn their story sounded convincing but in the same instance it sounded impossible. He didn't really know what to believe. It was just too much to take in. Dan knew good and well he's still was in disbelief. Dan said "look man I know this is a lot to take in and process. But you know what you're just going to have to trust us. Matter of fact may I like to point out the fact that you have no choice. You have no time machine or weapons at your side and we're the only ones who can provide all of that. We want to protect you but we can only do that if you stick with us and trust us. Maybe you can even be part of the team". Devon laughed hysterically at just the idea of team. "what's so funny?" Aaron asked. Devon stop laughing and said "as much as I'm tempted to join a narcissistic know-it-all leader, a token black character, a tomboy, a ginger hair freak, a gullible easy girl and a classical nerd I'll pass. All I want to do is just get back to my "time period" and get back to my life." Everyone was not pleased with the words Devon just said. "Man why can't we just beat up this guy?" Brock asked annoyed. "Are you challenging me Dark Hulk? Cuz if you are we can go right now". Brock charged at Devon in rage. Dan tried to stop him but it was no use. Brock went in for a punch but Devon used both of his hands to grab the arm he used to punch with and pulled him toward him. Then Devon used his leg to trip Brock on to the ground. Dan stepped in and said "ok that's enough...Devon I wanted to do this the easy way but I can see I'm going to have to be rough. I'm going to have to put you under arrest" he said. Devon pulled his gun ready to shot. He prepared to pull the trigger and then a laser blast sound emerged from the distance. It didn't come from Devon's gun or any one of the crew's. Scared and alerted that someone was hunting them they pinned themselves against the same side of the wall to avoid getting shot. Dan knew that was a laser gun blast that was just fired and that there was a criminal of the future that wanted Devon's head.

Devon and the Time Travel Police Book 1Where stories live. Discover now