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9:59 am


"HONEY,LANGUAGE!!" Mom yelled as i put on my Hero Costume while running down the stairs.

"Riki! You should've woken me up!" I said as i put on my coat and hat "You should have breakfast first before you go, Sweetheart" Dad spoke. 

"Father's right, you haven't eaten a proper breakfast or a proper meal and What time did you sleep anyway?" Fumikage asked.

"Sorry but i have to go, Bye Mom, Dad, Kage!" I quickly left the house after grabbing a couple of ration bars and flew to my agency with Riki.

I quickly entered my Agency as my Sidekicks greeted me "Did your date go well,Ms. Falcon?" Mr. Sato asked "Sorry,i woke up late,let's get to work".

"I'm guessing it went well" Mr. Sato said as he gave me the reports and a few folders "Since you went on a date yesterday and woke up late, criminals and Villains took the opportunity to get out of their shadows, i made sure that the sidekicks took pictures or took a video of the villains and criminals for me to analyze and track them down".

I read everything in the folders and the reports "Follow the schedule" "Yes Ma'am" "We have a long day ahead of us".

A Villain Attack was going on in Hiroshima, so decided to go and join in "Excuse my intrusion" i said as i got in between and severely injured Hero and the villain that was about to kill her.

"I'm glad you joined in, you're a worthy opponent, Falcon" The Villain smirked as i grew out my wings "Let's get this over with" i said as my feathers flew towards the villain, the villain was distracted from my feathers that it didn't notice that i was behind them.

Once my feathers flew back and attached itself back onto my wings, I quickly kicked the villain on their side before knocking them out unconscious, the police quickly handcuffed the villain as i went up to the injured Hero.

"Are you alright?" I asked "I'm fine" "We should get you to a Hospital-" The woman suddenly passed out and i sighed "Riki, carry her to the nearest hospital here, I'll catch up in a bit" Riki followed and carried the Heroine as he flew off to the nearest hospital while i chatted with the police and got interviewed by the press.

After that, i flew to the hospital,once i got there,the receptionist told me the room number of the Heroine and gave me a wink, i thanked him and went up to the hospital room of the Heroine then went in after i found it.

"You would've lost a limb if you kept fighting in that state, Mirko" "Isn't that what Heroes are supposed to do? Kick Villain butts while they risk their lives?".

"That's right, however, people in your life would blame themselves for your death, you should be more careful, if you died for the safety of others then some of your family relatives would become villains as their perspective of Heroes and Villains become twisted" "I don't think that's true" Mirko retorted.

"It is true and I've seen it countless of times,minor injuries are nothing but major ones are a lot,so you should be careful next time, i should get going, get some rest, Mirko".

Riki flew over to me as I opened the door "W-Wait! Thank you for saving me and....will i ever see you again?" "We'll never know, Take care Mirko" i left her hospital room then left the hospital as I continued doing Hero work.

At the HPSC HQ.....

"HP-F52,I'm glad you came" A man said as I went inside the room "My Superiors" i said as i bowed in front of the President and the men in suits "Let's Start the meeting".

I sighed as i left the room and walked down the halls "Heyya Chickadee~" I felt a pair of arms snaked around my waist.

"Hawks, what are you doing here?" "The same goes for you" I turned to see Hawks, covered with bandaids and bandages.

"What happened to you?" I asked, concerned for him "It's only training, no need to worry" "F52" a woman called out while walking up to me as i removed Hawks' arms from my waist.

The woman bowed to me "The Elders requested you to report after the mission" The woman said while giving me a flash drive and i took it "I'll report soon" the woman nodded "Good Luck".

"I don't need 'Luck', just count on me" i said as I lowered my hat and turned around then began walking away "Y-Yes Ma'am....." "I'll see you again soon, Hawks".

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