Chapter 9

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Korra's Pov:

I woke up in Mako's room on Saturday morning. I look to my right and I see Mako sleeping, his body on its side facing me. I move to my side facing him looking at his cute face while he's sleeping, or while I thought he was sleeping. "You're staring." he muttered under his breath. I grinned and said "I'm gazing." "It's creepy." I jokingly glared at him. "It's romantic idiot." He then opened his eyes to look at me, then he grabbed the pillow from under his head, flipped to his lay on his back, and put the pillow over his face. "Um excuse me?" I scoffed and laughed and tried to to move the pillow of off his face, but he moved it off himself when he groaned and crashed his lips into mine. He moved over so now he was on top of me. He skimmed my lips with his tongue asking me to enter, I complied and opened my mouth for his tongue to explore it. I took off his undershirt and he took off my sleeping shirt. This morning was...delightful. 

As I was laying on Mako's chest, I started to get up causing him to groan and pull me back to his chest by my waist. I giggled and looked up at him. "I have to take a shower, it's Rohan's birthday we can't miss it." "Okay let's go." he had a devilish grin on his face. I smiled and scoffed at him and responded. "No just me. We both know we're going to take...longer, if we shower together." He frowned in disappointment. "Ugh. Fine. You can go first." I kissed his nose and took a shower.

Mako's Pov:

After Korra and I got dressed and ready for the day, we boarded a ferry to Air Temple Island. When we arrived we saw Naga running towards Korra and she knocked her over, I was laughing so hard, that I didn't that Naga licked my face, making it all slobbery. Korra was laughing as I tried to wipe Naga's saliva off my face. When we got there we saw Pema chasing Rohan while he ran toward us. "Korrie!" I started to laugh "Korrie?" She grinned at me and said. "It's his nickname for me." Then Korra bent down and picked Rohan up in her arms. "Happy Birthday big guy! Look at you! You're already five!" He giggled as he pet Naga, still in Korra's arms. I looked at Korra and saw how amazing she is with kids. Good to know... for future reference.

Pema then made it to Korra and I panting. "Rohan you can't just run off like that just to see Korra!" Rohan then gave her a glare which turned out to be funny. "Her name is Korrie! Get it right mom!" Korra and I laughed and looked at Pema who had a disturbed and annoyed look. "I see that he got Tenzin's attitude." Korra said as he handed Rohan to Pema as I wrapped my arm around her waist. Pema rolled her eyes, "You have no idea. Soooo I see things are working out between you two. Finally. In my opinion, you should've never broken up." as Pema said this I let go of Korra waist as I smile at her. Pema and Rohan walked away and when they were gone, Korra grabbed my hand and laced her fingers in mine. I gripped her hand and she lifted her heels and her head to kiss me. Then we started walking into the Temple with Naga.

not really a plot to this chapter just wanted to write something cute about Makorra. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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