School Horror. Crystal x Male!reader.

175 3 1

Reader Effect: Male

AU?: Nope.

Other: Silver and Luna

Requester: ashketchum957

Sorry if this wasn't how you imagined. I wasn't sure where to go with this.


(Y/N) looked lost. And he was. He couldn't find anything in the building. He had gone in circles for what felt like the thirtieth time. He then ran into someone. The person dropped a bunch of papers. 

"I'm so sorry!" He quickly knelt down and scooped up the papers. He stood up and handed them to the person. They took them with shaky hands.

"Th-thanks..." A female voice escaped. Her eyes shimmered as they met (Y/N)'s. Her blue hair was tied into two low pigtails and lightly swayed. 

"You're welcome..."

"Are you lost?" He rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Yeah..." She smiled.




(Y/N), Crystal, and her two friends, Silver and Luna, were looking over the homework for one of their classes. While he had been lost in the school building, he was able to aid them in their troubles with no problems.

"Ace in the work, lost in the building... you could almost be Crystal's opposite if she wasn't skilled in the art of catching. Her skills on the field are tremendous." (Y/N) gulped.

"While I'm not..." They laughed as Crystal snorted.

"Aw... you two would be perfect for each other. How did you guys meet?" Crystal nudged her playfully.

"He was lost in the school grounds." Silver scoffed before excusing himself for a minor water break. (Y/N) went out to stretch, leaving Crystal with Luna. 

"So..." (Y/N) jumped at Silver's voice. "Love at first sight."

"You... could say that." Silver smiled.

"You wanna know who my girlfriend is?" He nodded slowly. "Luna. Tomorrow marks the day we met last year. My advice to you is to take her on a stroll. She like being the leader, and with how lost you get, I'm sure she'll be glad to take the lead in the walk. Get to know her then. Time is on your side." (Y/N) smiled.

"Thanks... I will..."


I hope you like this... I think I can do more... but I had a little struggle here. 

Please do request! Bye...

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