Fast times

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Bulma gathering her crew and read Vegeta's review. It was almost like poetry. Vegeta explains the restaurant in great detail and how the food tasted. He went on about Bulma and how her beauty surpasses her. Bulma's cheeks get red. She was astonished and shocked that he wrote that, especially after the way he left. A few months went by, and the restaurant remains busy. Bulma would look out for Vegeta to thank him for his review. But he never should up. Bulma would go and buy the newspaper to see if Vegeta is still writing other articles and to her relief he was. At least she had peace of mind knowing he was ok.

One night Bulma made up her mind; she was going to track Vegeta down. She needed to find a way to thank him. It was playing on her consciousness. The next day she asked Launch to supervise the restaurant for today. Bulma was standing in front of her closet. She wanted to get Vegeta's attention without looking like it was intentional. Bulma felt her face get hot as she started to blush. She figured if she is going into the city, she needed to look the part. Bulma pulled out a charcoal gray pencil skirt with a matching blazer, and for a pop of color, she chooses a teal blue plunging neckline blouse. She put her hair up in a messy yet sophisticated bun. Bulma didn't want to look too rigid; she likes the idea of some strands of her blue heir to fall by her blue eyes.

There were two ways of getting out of her apartment. One was the fire escapes the other though the restaurant. Since she did not want to ruin her designer heels, Bulma would have to go downstairs and have everyone looking at her. Bulma may be a bit arrogant at times, but she's not a showoff. As she peered around the corner, Bulma heard a whistle. Launch's voice carried, "looking good boss" as she winked her eye. Bulma ran out of the restaurant blushing and saying, "Have a good day." Standing at the curb, Bulma hails a cab. "Where to Miss?" "Can you take me to The Capsule Review?" As they ride through the city, Bulma admired all the buildings and architecture. She could see the hustle and bustle of the cars to the people walking on the sidewalk. Bulma's heartbeat started to race, and they were approaching their destination. Then doubt crossed her mind if she made a mistake coming here to see Vegeta? No! She needed too formally thank him and that what she intends to do. "Here we are, Miss." The cab driver's voice made Bulma jump. She was lost in her thoughts. "That will be $25, please."

The building was beautiful, indeed a work of art. The structure took up most of the block and looked to be ten stories high. It had frosted glass all along with the front of the property with big black printed lettering The Capsule Review on the top of the façade. Bulma took in a deep breath and encouraged herself to walk in. Once she was in the building, the entry was immense. You can look straight up and see the frosted glass and floors with glass railing on the other side floors. Bulma could see desks with people sitting by the glass busy at work. She approached the front desk. A friendly woman greeted Bulma. "Welcome to the Capsule Review. How can I help you?" Bulma blushing, "um, can I speak to Vegeta?" The woman said, "Sure, let me see if he is available?" Bulma breathed a sigh of relief, and luckily she didn't need to provide his last name since she didn't know it. "What is your name," the woman asked? "Um, Bulma," her voice trails off. Bulma's heart was pounding in her ears.

Bulma jumped every time the elevator beeped. All of a sudden, there were people everywhere in the lobby. Bulma asked the lady at the front desk what was going on. The lady said, "Lunchtime." Then a deep raspy voice made Bulma's heart stop dead in mid beet. "Who are you?" Vegeta, not recognizing Bulma from behind. She turned slowly and if it was like everyone vanished and it was just her and Vegeta. Their eyes meet. Vegeta stunned to see Bulma had to swallow his saliva to speak. "What are you doing here?" Bulma forgot for a brief minute, as she was taking Vegeta in. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a white long sleeve shirt. Bulma thinking in her head, it's not fair for him to be so damn good looking. "I, I wanted to thank you for your review of my restaurant." Vegeta looked at her and said, "You could have called?" Bulma blushed and looked down. "I wanted to tell you in person so it can have more meaning." For a second, Bulma swore that she saw blush forming on Vegeta's cheeks. Bulma then questioned, "isn't it lunchtime, do you want to grab a bite, my treat?" Before Vegeta could reject her, Bulma was pulling him out the door.

Were too? Vegeta wanted to take her to his bed that will be a delightful place to go. It's not fair for her to look so damn beautiful. "Um, well, I usually go to this place with good pork buns and soup dumplings." Bulma winked at him and said I like your taste. Damn it, mumbled Vegeta, instantly getting an erection. Oh, he wanted to have her legs open having her for lunch. What the hell is wrong with him? He admired her from a distance all the time he went to her restaurant at the Bloom & Bee. Vegeta would have to adjust his erection whenever Bulma would get close to his table. He couldn't believe that he openly flirted with her in his article. His boss, David, nicknamed Frieza by his staff for being such a cold-hearted jerk, called Vegeta out for pulling a stunt like that. That's why he couldn't go to Bulma's restaurant for a while, and now here she is, right in front of him. He had to sit down before she noticed his pants getting tight around his groin.

Bulma was beaming at him, and it was hard to focus on the menu. It's not like Vegeta didn't know what to order. He was trying to avert his eyes from looking down her blouse. He could see her chest and cleavage and the firmness of her milky breasts. Vegeta thinking to himself, "why is she wearing this vulgar blouse? All these men are gawking at her." The server came by and took their food order. Bulma was smiling, "I'll have whatever he's having." Vegeta looked up; he was not prepared to speak. He has been weightlifting, so he usually eats for two. Not to sound like a glutton, he ordered a sharable plate with an assortment of the specialty that the restaurant has. Vegeta could get something when he goes back to work. The server took the menu, Vegeta felt helpless; he was now forced to look at Bulma. He quickly thought of work and his demanding boss. Bulma then asked, "Tell me about yourself?"

Vegeta doesn't talk to women unless he has too, and most of the time, it was for work purposes. The last relationship he had was more than a year ago, and she left him because he didn't talk much. Not with Bulma, I guess it is her job to be courteous and friendly, making it easy to talk to her. It's hard to resist her seductive glances and ocean blue eyes that have sparkles of sunshine. Vegeta felt his groin getting tight agents his pants again. Vegeta told Bulma how, when he was young that he had to leave his home and live with his uncle and his cousin. He didn't know too much about his family, so in a way that got him into journalism. Vegeta could travel and see if he could find anything about his family. Unfortunately, he found out that his mom and dad perished in a fire, and there was no evidence explaining why. The thing that bothered Vegeta that his parents died after he was sent to live with his uncle. It made him feel guilty for not being there, or if it was foul play, he could've found out. Vegeta went on by telling Bulma that he got himself through school by participating in professional fighting. The money he won went for his college. Vegeta still keeps up some fights but tries to keep it to a minimum to not interfere with his job.

They were finishing up eating, and Bulma had tears rolling down her cheeks. Her face was flushed; her lips were pouty Vegeta couldn't help it. He got up sat next to her, Vegeta put his arm around her neck, and pulled her close then cupped her jaw with his other hand, reached in and started to kiss Bulma. Bulma tightens her back, then relaxed. She was swirling her tongue, grasping to Vegeta's. Heat began to penetrate from their bodies through their clothes. The server standing by the edge of the table clears his throat. "Here's your bill." And before Vegeta could grab it, Bulma was handing her card to the server. Then she followed with her reply. "This lunch is on me, remember?" Bulma placed her hand on Vegeta's face. "If I give you my number, you promise to call?" She asked so innocently. Vegeta was once again a prisoner of her gaze. "Of course, I'll call you." He gave Bulma his phone number as well. "Shit, I have to get back to work!" Before she said goodbye, he was out the door. She hears a buzz in her purse. Bulma looked at the message saying hope we can continue where we left off soon. She grasps the phone and presses it against her chest and sighs.

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