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Bulma was back home. It was night time, and everything was quiet. She was lying in bed, closing her eyes. Bulma could see a glimpse of Vegeta as her heart swells. During her lunch with Vegeta, she was paying close attention to his facial features. Bulma loved looking at his mouth. Most men had thin lips and a tight jaw. Not Vegeta, when he spoke, his lips would curve and pucker, she saw hints of beautiful white teeth as he talked. Then she saw as Vegeta moved swiftly next to her. As he placed his bicep behind her neck, she could feel the muscles' hardness through his shirt. Bulma was putty in the closeness of his presence. As Vegeta reached to her face, she could sense his firm yet gentle fingers on her skin. Then he was kissing her. The rush of the emotions filled her body like a bolt of lightning. They were not moving their heads much, but the sheer thrusting his tongue and mouth over her mouth was the most sexual experience she ever had, and they were kissing. Bulma was erotically imagining other things Vegeta would be stinking into her. Bulma had to stay at the restaurant after Vegeta left, she was afraid that her skirt might have been wet from the exhilaration she just experienced. Bulma was now hornier than ever; she slides her fingers down her panties. Heat coming from her steamy pussy. Bulma barely stroked her clitoris, and she busted out a moan. She was soaking wet. Bulma's tempo got faster as her hand was moving more rapidly. She had her clothes on from lunch with Vegeta's cologne smell on it, as it was helping to make herself cum.

The next morning Bulma got up feeling embarrassed about what she had to do to herself last night. Nonetheless, she did feel a bit more relaxed. Bulma got ready for a new day of work. A few days went by, and she has not received any messages from Vegeta. In her quiet reverie, Bulma would open her phone and look at the last message Vegeta sent. She keeps reading Vegeta's text, hope we can continue where we left off soon. Bulma sighs. She sent a few text messages to Vegeta, Bulma didn't want to sound desperate. Mostly Hi, How are you, and looking forward to seeing you soon. Her phone stays silent. Launch approaches Bulma. "What is the matter, boss?" Bulma is not looking at Launch and says nothing. Bulma shot up and grabs Launch by the shoulders and desperately asks if she minds taking care of the restaurant for a few days. Launch had a hard time just one day running the restaurant, but Bulma has been so kind to her. Bulma offered her the job even though she had no experience. Launch felt compelled to help Bulma out. "Ok, boss," Launch says, "but try to hurry back." Bulma took no hesitation in running upstairs. She had no control over her body. Bulma grabbed a suitcase and threw in an assortment of clothing and other necessities.

Bulma was in the city checking into a hotel that was closest to The Capsule Review. It was a historic hotel. As Bulma walked through the lobby, it was like walking into another era. Even the bellhops had finely pressed uniforms. "Come this way, ma'am," as the bellhop helped Bulma with her luggage. They arrived on the fourth floor and opened her room and handed Bulma the key. "Is everything to your liking?" Bulma gazed at the tiffany lamp and the solid wood bedframes. She can see into the restroom, and there was a beautiful clawfoot tub with brass fixtures. "Perfect," Bulma exclaimed. She tipped him and closed the door. It was ten o'clock in the morning, so it gave her plenty of time to get ready. Bulma finished showering and began to get ready. She found her green stretch dress that makes her figure look amazing. This time she was going to wear flats, Bulma wanted to be prepared for anything. Once at The Capsule Review, she went to the front desk. She was relieved to see the same woman that helped her last time was at the counter. Bulma walked to her and greeted the woman. Bulma smiling and asking, "Is Vegeta available?" The woman changed her expression. She now has a concerning face and told Bulma that he has not been to the office for a while. Bulma's heart fell to her stomach. "Is, is he ok?"

Bulma was frantic now. What is she supposed to do? Vegeta won't answer his phone, and his work wouldn't give her any information. She slowly walked outside. Then she saw the restaurant that Vegeta took her. Bulma remembered him saying he goes there often, so maybe they have some information. In the doorway of the restaurant, she looked to see who she can talk too? There has to be a hostess or manager? Bulma went into the hallway by the restrooms that are by the kitchen. She was listening to see if she can spot out the owner. She saw an older man hunched over, he was bald, had sunglasses and a white beard. The staff said in unison, yes, Master Roshi. Bulma quickly turned back into the hallway where the restrooms where. "I see you spying on Me." the voice sounded close to her. "If you're trying to steal my recipes, I caught you red-handed." Bulma jumped out in front of Mr. Roshi, and his nose started to bleed. "Well, hello, beautiful woman!" Bulma felt like he was trying to see through her dress. She crossed her arms. Bulma tried to change the subject to Vegeta. "Excuse me, sir, by chance, do you know Vegeta?" "I sure do," Master Roshi said. "Oh, thank goodness, do you know where he is?" Bulma was on pins and needles. "Yes, he was in a fight last week and got hurt badly, he was admitted to the hospital he was released yesterday." Bulma cupped her mouth, oh my goodness that explains it all. "Please master Roshi can you please tell me where he lives?"

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