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The Uber driver pulled up to The Capsule Review it looked closed Vegeta wasn't worried he had a key to get in. While in the building, it felt eerie being there with no one around. Vegeta took Bulma's hand, and they went up the elevator. On the eighth floor, they went to his office. Every office had frosted-glass, and everything had a modern design. Vegeta opens his office and started to take his laptop and briefcase as he looked down at his chair and saw a newspaper clipping. As Vegeta begins it to read it, he bends over and hits his desk with such force that it made everything rattle. Speechless Vegeta handed Bulma the clipping, and there was a red marker circle around the article of Vegeta's parent's death with writing that read Frieza killed your parents. Bulma got scared as what looked to be fire burning in Vegeta's eyes with his hair that points up like a flame she could swear that he was glowing red all around him. Vegeta forgot all about his injury while screaming, "I will get Frieza for this." Bulma reached out to touch Vegeta's face to calm down; he looked away. Bulma said, "Let's be rational. There has to be something more to this. It seems odd how this happens and why now that someone would do this to you?" Bulma felt Vegeta's rage go down.

It was raining when they exited the building they got drenched as they entered the cab. Bulma told the cab driver to go to her hotel Vegeta had a question on his face. Bulma said, "I think you're being framed; I think we should lie low at my hotel for a bit." Vegeta crossed his arms as he looked out the window, still upset about the betrayal. It was raining just as hard as the couple ran to the hotel; no one answered the door. Bulma started to panic as she grabs her phone to call someone to open the door. It was dark by the door, and she didn't notice that Vegeta was standing right behind her. Bulma turned, and they were face to face. Vegeta had a look in his eyes like a predator, and Bulma was his prey, then he started to kiss her violently. She loved it when a man takes control. Bulma biting Vegeta's lips, "Let's wait till we get inside." Vegeta then said in a deep raspy voice, "I want to get inside of you now." Bulma tilted her head back and sighed in content, then went back to kissing Vegeta. He lifted her leg and pushed her panties to the side. Vegeta's throbbing dick was horizontally erected out of his pants as he entered Bulma's pussy they gasp and moan together. He forcefully pounds her against the door Bulma was kissing Vegeta harder as saliva was mixing with the rainwater running down her face. Then Vegeta's tempo was getting harder and faster as he climaxed Vegeta pumped so much cum in Bulma that it started to ooze out of her swollen pussy.

Vegeta looked apologetic as he adjusted his dick back in his pants as Bulma pulled down her soaked dress. Vegeta said, "You don't know how badly I wanted to fuck you, and you looked so fucking hot in your wet dress. I couldn't help myself." Bulma reached over, kissed Vegeta on the lips, and said hope you will be up for more once we get inside. Like perfect timing, the door opened, and an older woman in a nightgown started complaining that they didn't have to keep banging on the door so hard to get someone to open it. Bulma and Vegeta look like two of the guiltiest suspects as they walked into the elevator, dripping on the floor while the older woman told them not to worry about it. Bulma was shivering, and Vegeta wrapped his arm around her to keep her warm. They entered the room, and the older woman said goodnight and closed the door behind her. Bulma and Vegeta stood there looking at one other. Bulma started to pull her dress off while standing in front of Vegeta it was so wet that she peeled it off along with her panties with one go. Vegeta marbled over Bulma's body; it looked like porcelain feeling bad that he was so ruff on her a few minutes ago. Bulma turned and tilted her head in his direction, "Are you going to join me in the shower?"

Bulma felt tempted to fuck Vegeta in the shower, but she liked how the water was falling off of his body. Drops would collide as they flick off his protruding biceps; she was jealous of the droplets cascading off his predominate cock. Even relaxed, Vegeta's dick was thick; it made Bulma want to taste that delicious mass again, but she could tell he was tired. Bulma got a sponge and gently rubbed it on his captivating body. She slowly went over his back and legs Vegeta felt relaxed as it's been a long time going without a woman's touch. He was savoring this moment. Vegeta felt compelled to fulfill Bulma's every desire at this moment. With a smile on her face, washing was making her happy. Bulma was playing with Vegeta's hair giving him different hairdos. She even gives him bangs as she was giggling Vegeta was fighting back a smile. Bulma turned off the shower and towel herself off, and she helped Vegeta get out as well. There was a moment where Bulma was on her knees and drying Vegeta, and she looked up it was in her gaze that Vegeta was getting erect. Bulma quietly said, "Let's get some rest."

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