Q&A !

529 13 8

So, uhm, since I have absolutely
no idea what to do in celebration
of hitting 2K reads, I'll just do
an old-fashioned Q&A!

Ask me anything in the
comments, and I'll reply with
my answer. First, I'll lay down
some ground rules! ;

1. I would like to be referred to as ;
they/them, I won't be revealing my gender.
2. No face reveal, or name reveal questions.
| I'm fine with age |.
3. Age is fine, you can ask that.

For those who have sent requests,
don't worry, I'm working on them!

Alright, that should be just about it!
Remember, you can ask me anything
but what I've written down in the rules.
Have fun asking~!
~ sickficfreak.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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