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This story is from Edward's pov, but if I change it to Bella's pov, I'll let you know

Read and enjoy

Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight.


I stared at her, my mouth open.

Could she be lying? Maybe Bella has a secret sister who would have been with a secret twin brother of mine. Or maybe...

I shook my head mentally. It couldn't be. Maybe I was just dreaming. Or maybe I had gone crazy.

Yes. That must be it. I had been thinking about myself and Bella's future so much that I am seeing...

"Daddy?", she asked. Her voice timid.

I sighed. Was she real? Or was she the fragment of my desperate wishes?

"Did you forget everything daddy? Because grandpa says that as people age, they forget everything?", she asked, her eyes wide and brown.

Yeah sure. I rolled my eyes. That would be my dad. Oh! Did I mention that he was a doctor?

"No kid. I'm not that old. I'm just twenty one.", I stated sourly.

To my surprise, she giggled. Yeah giggled.

"What?", I demanded.

"You forgot everything daddy. Last month you celebrated your twenty eighth birthday. Remember that?", she asked with a grin.

Twenty eight? Me? I don't know my face looked, but suddenly she looked at me with a pitiful expression on her face.

She frowned and said, "I think you are sick. Maybe we should wait for momma to come home so that she can take you to grandpa."

I asked unsure, "By the way, 'Momma' means 'Bella' right?"

"Yes.", she replied quickly.

"She'll come home only by evening.", I muttered.

Suddenly I heard a soft growling sound. That sound was coming from the little girl's stomach.

She was hungry.

"Looks like someone needs to be fed!", I laughed.

She blushed furiously. She was embarrased. Just like my Bella...

I sighed.

"Come on let's eat kid.", I walked out of the kitchen and she followed me. And then I realised food was in the kitchen and I walked in again. She followed me again.

I rolled my eyes.

"So tell me what you want?"

She pretended to think for a moment. Kids. They think they are all grown up and are capable of doing things themselves.

"Do you have milkshake?"

"That's what you want? I mean there are plenty other foods too...like yesterday's ravioli, the leftover pizza...", I said as I searched through the contents in the kitchen.

I literally have no idea about what today's kids eat. From what I know, today's kids are spoilt and they eat all kinds of junk food.

"Do you have sandwich?"

"No. We don't. But I can make one for you."

"Then I'll have one cheese grilled sandwich, a milkshake, vanilla flavoured and some cola. If possible some French fries please", she replied.

Talking about kids and junk food....

But her face was brighter than the sun while talking about food that I decided to make it for her.

She was still standing. I think I should give her a seat in the living room while I'm working here. No. I frowned. I shouldn't leave this poor little kid there alone. She could hurt herself accidentally.

Great. I rolled my eyes. It hadn't been minutes until I met her and already I was feeling protective of her.

I decided to make her sit on the counter while I worked.

I've never lifted a baby in my whole life and here I have to lift her. What if she suddenly starts screaming?

Can't she jump and sit on the counter by herself? All kids do unwanted stunts.

I shook my head. I'm crazy. Period.

I slowly went near her (I know I probably looked like a psycho/kidnapper) and I lifted her. She clung to me and smiled at me.

I wasn't joking when I said I had a special connection with Bella. That connection was intense and it was full of need to be closer.

But with this little one, I felt a warmth. I felt comfortable and oddly...happy. It was like she was the most precious thing to me ever.

I felt like herself and myself shared something in common.

My blood. My daughter.

I have heard some dads telling about their holding-their-child-for-the-first-time experiences. I've read about some too. But it was nothing like experiencing them for real.

Now that I held this child, I could see it.

I don't know if she was real or if she was a fragment of my imagination, but I'll protect her from all evils of the world (how dramatic!).

That's because I love this kid. My imaginary child.I can't wait to show her to Bella

Our little angel.


Thanks reading. Will be updated soon.


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