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This story is from Edward's pov. But if I change it to Bella's pov, I'll let you know.

Read and enjoy!


"Bella calm down", I sighed for the hundredth time.

Bella was pacing furiously in living room.

"Oh no! Oh no! What are we going to tell Alice and Emmett!" , she exclaimed.

"We can call them and ask them to not come. Or maybe we can hide her from them"

Bella had a determined look on her face, "We'll tell them not to come-"

Ding dong!

"-or not..." ,she finished with a sigh.

The calling Bell rang again.

"What do we do now?", Bella panicked. Not knowing what to do, I opened the door.

"See Emmett? I told that they'll be awake!", Alice squealed as she hugged me.
"Whatever shorty", Emmett rolled his eyes and looked at me, " Yo Eddie! You look nice! Working out lately?"

"No I haven't been working out", I replied confused.

" Don't lie to me Eddie. Lying to your bigger brother huh? That wasn't how I raised you."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "No Emmett. And one more thing; Don't. Call. Me. Eddie."

"Bella!",  Alice shrieked and hugged my girlfriend.

"Yo Bells! How ya doing?",  Emmett's voice boomed. He might wake her up.

Emmett and Alice hit Bella with a series of questions. "Hmmm...smells good. What's for breakfast?", Emmett asked eagerly.

"Pancakes", Bella said.

"Yoo-hoo! Love them'!"

"Emmett!", I hissed, "Don't be so loud! What would the neighbors think?"

"Huh. What would they think? They'd think that Emmy has come to look at his baby brother! Hahaha!", he laughed at his own joke.

And that laugh was loud. Loud enough to wake up someone...

"Daddy? Momma?", little, sleepy Renesmee called us from the room.

Both Alice and Emmett's eyes widened; their eyes were going to pop out.

"Daddy? Momma? What was that?", Alice demanded with her eyes wide.

"Uh...", I started to explain, "Listen both of you. You might not believe it, but promise me that you won't jump to any conclusions." I gave a pointed look to both of them.

"What is it?", Emmett demanded with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Promise me that you won't jump to any conclusions."

"Of course, we won't conclude anything Edward...sorry I mean...Daddy", Emmett was testing my patience.

"Please Edward, tell us what it is", Alice's eyes became googly.

"Come on Edward tell us your little secre-", Emmett's voice was cut off as a 4-year-old girl came sprinting towards him.

"Uncle Emmie! Auntie Allie!", she screamed so loud and launched herself at them.

This is not good. I looked at Bella in panic. They didn't know her and she'll end up crying thinking that they hated her.


Emmett and Alice looked at her shocked. And then they looked at me. And then at her.

Emmett gave a goofy grin and said, "Hi there kiddo!"

Renesmee giggled and demanded him to lift her. I watched in pure shock as Emmett lifted her carefully and watched her like she was the most precious thing in the world.

I shared a look with Bella. She just shrugged.

Emmett looked at me and said, "So how old is she Daddy?"

"Don't call me Daddy. Why don't you listen to what I say?"

"Now don't you dare to pull the I'm-so-good-and-everyone-is-bad card!", Alice exclaimed dramatically.

"Wait-", Bella cut me off.

"She's from the future"

There was a moment of silence.

And then laughter.

Emmett and Alice burst out laughing and Renesmee laughed along with them (she doesn't know why they were laughing).

"Seriously Bella? I thought you were a clever girl and you say she's from future?", Emmett laughed.

"Guys we're serious. She appeared here out of nowhere and started calling us 'Mom and Dad' ", I tried to explain.

"That's because you are her parents", Alice added forcefully.

"No. I mean yes. She's our future-selves kid. And she is four years old. And I met Bella three years ago,"

That had them thinking.

"Is she here to stay?", Emmett asked excitedly.

I furrowed my brows at that. I didn't know that. And I didn't know about my brother's sudden attachment to a kid either.

"We don't know about that", Bella replied sadly.

"I think her parents from future are missing her there.", Alice added softly.

That thought gave me a chill. I can't even imagine the pain of losing my kid; even now.

"We don't know what to do Alice. I can imagine the future-us searching for her everywhere with panic and fear". Bella's voice shook.

Everyone of us became silent. Renesmee looked at us curiously.

"Hey sweetie, what's your name again? Auntie keeps forgetting! Auntie is getting old!", Alice talked with her; trying to lift the sad atmosphere.

Renesmee giggled and said, "It's Renesmee"

"Whoa! Who named you?", Emmett asked amused.

"Momma named me"

Alice and Emmett gave Bella a funny look. She squirmed.

I had to laugh at that. My siblings thought that name was ridiculous! Finally, some one to side with me!

Today was going to be a long day.


Next chapter we'll have Bella's pov! Hope you liked this!

And sorry for my poor updating. I was really busy and I got time to post this only now. Hope you understand!

PS: reviews and votes make me happy.


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