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This story is from Edward's pov. But if I change it to Bella's pov, I'll let you know.

Read and enjoy!



Me: I own Twilight!
Stephenie Meyer (*smirks*): No you don't.
Me: Of course I doooo! Ask Edward!
Edward: No. Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight.
Me(*dreamily): I will agree with whatever Edward says. 
Stephenie: Then say it.
Me(*sighs in defeat*) : Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight.



"Momma!", the child squealed and ran to Bella.

She hugged Bella around her knees.

Bella was at loss of words. She really thought that baby was not her's. Well technically not right now...but in future.

"Momma! I missed you!"

Bella just stared at her.

"You see? Daddy totally forgot my name!", she giggled.

"Oh", was Bella's response.

Bella looked at me. I gave her an apologetic smile.

"But momma? You remember me right? You said you love me so much right?", her wide eyes were filled with hope.

"Uh....", Bella trailed off and looked at me for help.

I said, "Hey little one-"

My words were interrupted by a whimper. The girl removed her hands from Bella and started crying softly.

"You don't remember me", her voice broke at the end.

I was about to say something but I looked at Bella. Bella looked crushed. She kneeled down to eye level of the child and spoke in a soothing voice.

"Hey...don't cry dear"

But the child continued to cry.

Unable to contain herself, Bella pulled the girl to her and wiped away her tears. She lifted her and sat with her on the bed.

"Don't cry ok?"

The girl nodded her head slowly. Her cries turned into sniffles.

"Bella, I think she must have come from the future.", I said.

Bella looked at me like I had lost. But then she looked at the little girl. Looked at her eyes. Chocolate brown eyes.

It was then she believed me. Or atleast I thougt she believed me.

"But-how is that possible Edward?"

"I don't know. But I'm sure that she is our future baby. She knows everyting about us."

"Our future baby.", Bella said smiling and blushing.

"Yes", I grinned.

"I need to know a few details ok? Please don't cry honey."

"Ok", she said in a small voice.

"What's your name?"

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen"

"Wow. That's a beautiful name. What does that mean?"

"The names of my grandma Renee and my nana Esme. And my middle name after grandpa Charlie and grandpa Carlisle."

"Wow...that's really great. You really have a beautiful and unique name.", Bella said in awe.

Oh no!

Renesmee looked at me smirked. Smirked!

"Bella? But we are not naming our child that one right? I's really mouthful and...weird and-"

"No!", Bella turned defensive.

"But why?"

"It's a beautiful and a very rare name Edward! And I'm not letting you change that!"


Now Renesume-Renesmee was smirking at me. I can't even remember her name!

I sighed. Women. Even little women.

"Now what do we do Edward?", Bella asked.

"I really don't know. We can keep her with us until something happens."

"Something? What something? What's gonna happen? We are not letting her go!", Bella panicked. Renesmee seemed afraid and she snuggled into Bella.

"I mean...when the 'Edward and Bella' from the future come here...we should-"

"Right now let's not talk about that", Bella cut me off.

I shrugged. I looked at my daughter...well my future daughter and grinned, "Well it seems like someone is staying with us."

Bella's stomach grumbling sound filled the room.

Myself and Renes-(never mind) giggled.

Geeee! I couldn't complete her name even in my thoughts I better get used to it.

"Enough laughter at my expense", Bella rolled her eyes, "Come on let's have something."

Bella lifted the Resenm-(I really think it would be better if I called her duckling)

Yeah. Duckling that is. 

"Come on duckling! Let's go murder some veggies!"


Sorry for late update. School work. Hope you understand. 

PS: reviews make me happy.

PPS: votes make me happy too :)


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