A New Beginning

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Nayeon was a fresh gradute in a theatre arts school and was a genuis when it comes to fresh ideas and of course, concepts.

Nayeon was accepted in a agency as big as SBS, JTBC, And other more, she was accepted in one snap because of her background being a director, stage designer, producer, writer and other more way back college. They hired her because they knew nayeon would be their secret weapon to other companies.

Nayeon was currently packing her stuff from her mother's house because it was time for her to move out and live independently.

"if you need something there or you want an accompany just call me okay?" nayeon's mom reminded her

Nayeon smiled and held her mom's shoulder to assure that she'll be fine there alone

"Dont worry too much mom, i can manage" nayeon assured and gave her mom a kiss before closing the trunk of her dad's car

"ill see you in weekends, take care mom" nayeon bid her goodbye and hop inside the car, nayeon looked at the side mirror and saw her mom waving goodbye to her

She started the engine and pushed the handbreak down then started driving. Nayeon drove happily with full hopes and with a fresh beginning because finally, she got to live alone and do what she really loves


Nayeon finally arrived to the Apartment she just rented, she putted all the things she brought and of course will be organizing it so the apartment could look more presentable

"Finally a new beginning! Now its time to work!" nayen stretched our her body then took out all her notes where she writes down all her ideas

TWICE Media Center is the company who hired nayeon and paid her for a huge money so that SBS and JTBC won't be getting her. she is the secret weapon of the company.

TWICE is hoping for a good success with the help of nayeon, so basically nayeon does really needs to work hard to give out a one of a kind ideas for the incoming projects of the company.

Nayeon took out her pen and started to think some of ideas, she tried hard to pull out the best of the best ideas she could ever think of but somehow nothing was coming out from her head that it even freaks her out.

"im a genuis but why is there no ideas coming out from my head" nayeon scratched her head and kept on hitting the end of the pen to her forehead

"YAHHSBSJSJAJ!" nayeon groaned loudly that her voice surrounded her whole apartment, she was stressing out!

Nayeon fixed her table and laid her head down there to try if she could think of something interesting, she really needs to come out of an idea and show it to their production manager so it could be looked into it already, and yeah. Nothing really comes out to her mind.

The next day

Nayeon woke up without writing down any ideas on her note pad and it made her morning more stressed out, she didn't moved an inch from her position. She was clearly spacing out, and finally! For the first time, she spaced out.

Nayeon never does this whenever she's thinking

She was spacing out not until she landed her sight to this certain book, an idea finally popped out.

What was written in the book was HISTORY

but of course nayeon was genuis she planned out a beautiful concept


"finally! A fucking idea!" nayeon stood up and immediately grabbed her towel, she finally has the energy to go work!

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