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Third Person•

Nayeon's parents already knew what happened to nayeon, they were planning on placing a case against the woman who hitted her, but it seems that nayeon couldn't remember the face of the woman even the police who went in the scene.

It was a total dead end

"is there no CCTV around the area?" nayeon asked with the hope that the woman would pay for the damages

"there's none, when the car hitted the post the electricity shut down basically it didn't captured the whole incident" the police officer honestly answered

"please do everything you can to find who hitted me, it caused a lot of damage" nayeon sincerely said

The police officer nodded and bowed as the doctor arrives to inform nayeon's hospital bills and of course she'll be discharged.

"Ms. Im you can finally go home now, please dont forget my reminders your bills is completely paid" the doctor said making nayeon's mom and dad to widen their eyes

Who on earth would pay such a huge amount of bill

"who did?" nayeon asked

"we cant tell you who, but she was the grand daughter of the old lady whp hitted your car. Were hiding their identity for privacy purposes, and she said the damages has already been paid in your account" the doctor informed, and finally nayeon breath in relief

She's not going to file a case anymore if the damages has already been paid

"thank you for telling us" nayeon smiled, the doctor smiled and bowed

And soon as the doctor went out of nayeon's hospital room, he immediately went to the granddaughther of the old woman who hitted nayeon's car.

"did you get the box??" the grand daughter asked but the doctor forgot to ask about the box

"oh god i forgot about that!" the doctor immediately ran back to nayeon's hospital room and when he did, nayeon and her parents wasnt there anymore

He immediately ran through the hall way and see nothing, he's fucked up. That box was something precious to the grand mother of the girl she was talking with earlier.

"i lost them!" the doctor gripped his hair tightly, he was so dead right now

The instruction was pretty simple yet he forgot about about it!

Nayeon was already hopping inside the taxi together with her parents and of course cluesslesly went home, little did they know they have something precious with them.

The doctor commanded all the securities to find nayeon, but they failed because nayeon has already in the road.


"are you sure you don't want us to stay or let jihyo accompany you hear?" nayeon's mom asked to make sure before they go back home

"i'll be fine mom please dont worry too much" nayeon smiled and took her mom's palm

"please keep us updated time to time nayeonnie, dont worry about the car we'll be buying a new one" her dad smiled and kissed the top of her head

"thanks dad, you're the best!" nayeon happily squealed and hugged her dad tightly but as she do, she suddenly felt her whole head hurting making her legs to tremble

"are you fine honey? I felt your bones shaking" nayeon's dad worryingly asked and held her by the end of her shoulder

"maybe its the side of effect of the anti-biotics, im fine dad. Go home safely" nayeon smiled even if she was literally shaking in pain then tiptoed to kiss her parents in the cheeks

IMAGINATION | Im NayeonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin