My Little Boy Changjoon

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Third Person•

Nayeon was currently doing her work when a sudden tear fell down from her cheeks with her heart aching, and somehow her chest tightening

She looked at her surroundings but no one was there, it made her feel more sad.

Little did she know that her imaginations were ruining her reality already, and somehow being lonely made her made.

She wasn't really alone in the room because she was actually surrounded by people since she's at the TWICE media Center headquarters at the moment, it was her imagination betraying her.

Out of the blue, nayeon suddenly stood up and yelled gibberish words loudly causing all her officemates to be startled from doing work, jihyo clearly saw it and determined something was indeed happening to nayeon already.

Gossips started to grow, nayeon packed her things when she just brought back to reality. She was unconscious when she did it, she just realized thst she created a scene.

Then loud noises started to ring in nayeon's head, causing her to collapse down and hold on to her hesd saying

"STOPPP!!" nayeon screamed scaring off her co-workers

Nayeon was hearing the sound of bombs, continuous fire of gun, screams of people dying. And honestly it was truly terrifying.

Jihyo quickly made a move, she immediately ran towards nayeon and calmed her down while their other co-workers are calling for a professional.

Nayeon's hallucinations are getting worst, the more she gets attached the more her condition will worsen. Thats when jihyo knew she already has to take nayeon to someone professional, she immediately grabbed her bag including nayeon's then lead the older to her car.


Nayeon sat at the passenger seat while jihyo drives, all of a sudden, kyungwan appeared and sat down beside her.

"Go read my letter for changjoon, i know you've always wanted to see it" kyungwan allowed

Nayeon immediately took her bag and searched for the said letter, and even if she was feeling weak and somehow drained from what happened earlier- she still managed to move.

Until she finally got it

August 04,1945

To my litte boy changjoon

    Mianhaeyo if eomma and appa arent able to witness you grow up, but i know you'll become a great man someday. Eomma loves you, appa loves you! Always remember that changjoon-ah!. If youre finally able to read this, please do what you really wanted to do,your mommy and i will support you no matter what... Dont waste the opportunities coming to you because thats where success starts.

Always take care of yourself and the people around you, always my boy, always! Mommy is scared right now, so daddy has to accompay mommy. We will surely miss your sweetest smile my boy, your laughs, your tiny little hands, we will surely miss to hold that.

But can you do something for daddy?

Protect your Auntie mina for me arrasseo? I know you'll be a great protector my boy, you'll be the next samson. Give her the love she deserves, and the accompany she wants from you, im sure you are auntie mina's favourite god son.

Be a good boy okay? Eomma appa has to say goodbye now, i love you son. Always


        -from your daddy ostrich and mommy squirrel

"you fucking bastard"  nayeon suddenly spoke up creeping jihyo out, and then tears started to fall down again

She was hurt in imagining how changjoon grew up without sana and kyungwan, how jeongyeon risked it all with sana with the thought they'll survive. It was getting all in her head!

How kyungwan managed to let mina go despite of the deepest desire of loving the latter, how he managed to endure the pain while watching mina getting married to someone else.

Nayeon sobbed harder, while the image of kyungwan was only staring at her. Jihyo on the other hand doesn't know what she has to do, nayeon was literally crying hard as if something devastated happened.


Jeongyeon was currently doing her works, examining her patient's evaluation papers when her secretary ryujin called up and said

"there's someone asking for an emergency appointment, urgent"

"let them in"


After moments the person who asked for an emegency appointment walked in, jeongyeon sat up properly and let the patient sit.

"good afternoon maam im yoo jeongyeon, how can i help?" jeongyeon politely asked

"im going to consult you a video which something is very unsual to us, but since you're a psychologist maybe you know this and tell me" jihyo said and showed jeongyeon the video she was taking about and after some moments of watching the video, jeongyeon knew the person in the video was experiencing something needs to be action an instant.

"the person in the video has a rare mental condition, which is needed to be taken an action already. Is she with you?" jeongyeon asked and took out her patient info sheet

"she's not with me, because she told me that she was not feeling well. I had to take her home" jihyo answered

But then jihyo asked again

"is she experiencing something?" jihyo nervously asked

"i cannot make a diagnosis yet, i had to see her in person and observe her. But her case fits in delusional disorder" jeongyeon answered

"uhuhm? Please elaborate" jihyo tilted her head in confusion, she was not getting it.

"its a type of serious mental illness in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined" jeongyeon truthfully answered and placed her hands in the table

"do i have to admit her an instant?" jihyo asked then jeongyeon nodded and passed over the patient info sheet to confine nayeon

"fill it then by tomorrow we'll start the first session of her observation" jeongyeon informed and gave jihyo some time to fill the info. Sheet

Jihyo did what jeongyeon said and after some moments, handed the form after.

But when jeongyeon took it, the name written in the paper caught her attention. Finally! Im nayeon was the one coming to her, and she'll finally have the box back.

She smiled and felt thankful but somehow she felt tensed.


Her work was about to end when jeongyeon remembered to inform mina about the box, but mina wasn't picking up the phone so she left a voice message instead.

"Hi grandma? I think i just found who had the box"

I think i just found the woman who made me determined to find something i never knew existed.



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