The Accident

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Third Person•

Nayeon went unconscious soon as the speed car hitted her car, nayeon's head hitted the steering wheel and the air bag failed to function causing a hard impact on her head, the car hitted a post while the car hitted the side of the car, luckily it wasn't her side that was hitted.

Blood was dripping down from nayeon's head to her cheeks, nayeon gained her consciousness 20 minutes later when she felt something hot was surrounding her. She weakly opened her eyes and saw the car engine slightly burning, nayeon then immediately took an action though she's literally weak and couldn't move.

No one was around the road, not even a single presence was there. Its literally only her and the person who hitted her, but nevertheless she was still lucky to gain her consciousness despite of the hard impact of her head in the steering wheel.

Nayeon unbuckled the seatbelt and slowly opened the car door revealing a cold air of the night breeze, its not winter but it was freezing cold that you will literally shake and gritt your teeth.

Nayeon succesfully and safely went out of the car and laid herself to the road, but then seconds later nayeon tried to stood up but her legs were shaking not because of the impact of the accident but because how horrifying the scene was. Both car engines were burning, the scene was like she was in hell.

Nayeon was about to leave, when a voice made her stop

"h-help! P-please help..."

A weak voice caught nayeon's attention, it made her thought. She wasn't the only one who survived, nayeon immediately checked the car who hitted her and saw an old lady full of blood.

The engine started to create a ticking sound as if it was going to explode, it made nayeon anxious and to move faster.

She unbuckled the seat belt of the woman and removed the glass stain in the woman's face, but as she pulls the old lady out of the car. She noticed that the lady was already trying to close her eyes which is something "not" to do when you got in a accident.

Nayeon slightly slapped the old woman's face to keep her awake

"p-please dont close your eyes..." nayeon nervously bid

The woman did what nayeon said even if she was slowly getting weaker and weaker, but she managed to raise her arm and point out the car which made nayeon confused

"t-the box... P-please i-its important to me" the old lady begged but nayeon doesn't want to go near the car since it was burning already

But the old lady held her hand and looked at her directly in the eyes, it made nayeon weak and had no other choice but to do it. She stood up trembling in fear and anxiousness, she slowly walked towards the burning the car but when she opened its door the flame went bigger causing the windshield in front to broke off.

Nayeon saw the box that the old woman was referring to, she then grabbed it and immediately went out but when she did.

The car exploded


Jihyo heard the news about nayeon, it was midnight when she was called by the police. The police told her where nayeon was and what happened to her, jihyo was nervous and terrified of what happened. She can't lose nayeon. Neither do the producer too...

Nayeon would be a big loss

Jihyo arrived to the Hospital where nayeon was, and a group of doctor and nurses welcomed her

"where's Im Nayeon??" jihyo nervously asked

"she's been already brought to her own room, luckily she didn't granted any serious injuries. She's taking a rest and the appointed doctor will be there to talk matters with you" one of the nurses answered but jihyo saw an old woman full of blood and glass stain

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