Chapter 31: Guardian Angel

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I padded out into the living room and over to the glass doors

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I padded out into the living room and over to the glass doors. Azza was at the rail, looking out over the city. I opened the door, and he spun around.

"You two fight?" I asked as I stepped out and paused.

"Sort of," he said, scowling.

"Where'd he go?" I didn't know why I asked, especially when I, supposedly, didn't care.

Azza turned back to view. "He couldn't stay. Hell waits for no angel."

"Ah." I walked to the rail and did the same. "Why are you here?"

"He doesn't want you left alone."

I scoffed. "I'm okay. You can leave if you want."

Azza laughed, low and dark. "And go against him? Where you're concerned? No, thank you. I'll be here until relieved."


"Yes. One of us will be with or near you always when he can't be. Especially since you've all but banished him."

"Could I banish him? Like completely?"

He glanced at me. "If he's let you have that kind of power over him, yeah."

I sighed. I didn't know what to think. "You want something to drink?"

"Maybe. What are you offering?"

"Well, I've got water, milk, hot tea, or I can make you a pot of coffee... or I have hell-wine, an array of bourbons, or something along those lines."

"You—You have hell-wine?"

"Yes. Do you want some?"

"No. I'm just shocked. He hasn't released any of the hell-wine in centuries."

"Right. He said something about not letting it get out." I turned to him, "So, what can I get you before I go and take my bath?"

"Tequila, if you've got it."

"I do." I went back inside, ran myself a glass of water, grabbed a shot glass and the Patrón Reposado. I quietly set the bottle and glass on the table behind him as he continued to view the city. I turned away, heading to the bathroom and the half a tub of water we'd left.

I turned the water all the way hot and ran the rest of the tub full. I stripped and sank into it, enjoying the sensation after such a harrowing day. It seemed like so long ago I'd watched the Judge eat breakfast. I expected to get sleepy, but I didn't. Instead, I came more and more awake. I could tell it would be a long night, especially since it was so early, barely dark.

I dried off and realized I was hungry. Back in the kitchen, I found ingredients for a simple stir-fry and fixed them. I heaped two plates full and took one to the terrace.

Azza was in the lounge chair, knocking back a shot of tequila. "You hungry?" I asked and set the plate and silverware on the patio table with the umbrella.

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