(19) Moving away

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Barb pov

That bastard still couldn't die no matter how many times I've tried he keeps getting back up I know I've made a mistake and hurt poppy but what he done was worse thinking about it made me angry he shot her I couldn't live in a world without her with me I felt my whole world crashing down I digged my nails into my bloody hands while I stared on the  floor poppy had to survive if she doesn't I would've committed suicide  that bastard branch would pay for it I won't fail to muder him this time

Poppy pov

I was so happy I didn't die from one shot on the stomach I was also smiling barb wasn't here meaning me and branch can finally be together again

I'm so glad you're alive

I'm glad to branch

What are we gonna do if she comes back and take her no one's gonna help us anymore cause she'll make there fake relationship public

Riff:I have an idea for this

Poppy looks at him with concern and curious about the idea

Poppy:What is this idea riff

Riff:We tell her you died so you two can get enough time to run away

Poppy hated the idea that she has to fake her death especially when she's in danger

Poppy :Ok well do it

Branch picked poppy up bridal style while riff carried her stuff sneaking there way outside the car to pull off without being caught

Carol:What are you doing aren't you gonna come with us

Riff :I have to tell barb she died so she can get away without hesitation you three go on without me I'll be fine

Riff nodded at branch to drive off as soon as he drove off riff ran back to the hospital to find barb

Riff ran up to barb with guilt and sadness but he wasn't gonna let poppy suffer any longer

Barb looked shocked and angry at the same time "what do you want traitor your rockness poppy died barb body froze no this couldn't be....poppy couldn't just leave me behind after everything I did for her...

"What do you mean everything you've done for her all you done to her was outta force

Barb face darkened with pure rage until her father tapped her shoulder barb...",king thrash asked very concerned while her whole body was shaking "This can't be true...",she stuttered out unfortunately it is I've seen the body he said "No! you're lying! I want to see her right now.", your rockness you can't they already removed her body he said but barb just pushed him away and ran to Poppy's room only to see that it was empty as if she was never there

barb grabbed riff by the neck with her one hand rising him up in rage "who took her things?", she asked very angry branch he was at the hospital while it happened and they got her things removed quickly he said but barb was thinking  something wasn't right here the staff usually always gave them time before they removed the thing's from the dead loved

"I want to talk to a doctor about this riff left without any response barb couldn't hold back her tears back anymore and king thrash instantly took her in his arm's I'm so sorry Barbara he said I dont believe this she hold on to debbie very tight with tears


Branch:We will be here for the night before we travel tomorrow morning ok

Poppy:Ok branch kisses cheek

Carol:Dude I'm not surprised riff didn't come with us

Poppy:riff had to lie or well get caught and I'll be taken away again

Branch:Since your to weak to travel well be very good for tomorrow

Poppy:Hope so

You Stay Forver Mine Popsqueak~  Yandere Barb x PoppyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin