(31) Messed up with a psychopath

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Poppy pov

It's been months since we been together and again we were happy  she gave me time with my father while she was with hers barb gotten angry when I stopped ignoring her calls and texts she call me agn I sigh annoyed and picked up I and texted her on my phone

I started crying when I sent her the message I didn't want to do this but I had to why did I have to love a person like her? I saw that barb received the message and her started shaking after she read it she aggressively smashed her phone to the ground and stomped out of her father's house my heart stopped beating for a second she was furious so I know for a fact I'm to afraid to go back home and it was clear she wouldn't leave me that she wouldn't leave me alone I was to afraid I stayed the night at my dad's to seek comfort

Barb pov

How could poppy do this to me?!I did everything I could to make it work for her and in the end she left me anyway there was no way I could accept this she was mine and we would always be together I tried to talk to her again but I wasn't able to reach her it was driving me crazy she didn't answer my messages and calls when she respond telling me to stop texting her she wants alone time it broke me she just basically cut me out she couldn't do that I would be a big part of her life no matter how much she would try to run away from me

I was showing up to her father's house and he told me she wasn't here she left an hour ago so she assumed she knew I was heading her way I gotten so pissed off I went over to her friend's house I knocked angrily on the door there was no answer I snapped and started to aggressivly pound against the door "Open the door!!!,"I growled out in very much worser rage than before and after a while smidge opened the door I immediately walked inside and started searching for poppy

Poppy?!", I shouted very upset until I saw smidge looking at me with concern expression

I walked towards her while my hands "where shaking where is poppy?", I asked her very threatening and she sighed "barb listen I think it's best for both of you to give each other space she explained and I couldn't control my anger any longer there was no way we needed space we need each other we already worked things out how could she abandon me like this

Calm down please smidge looked scared "calm down? "calm down? I have no idea how to calm down tell her to meet me now!! I yelled at smidge while I start throwing a chair across the room the twins backed up a little in fear then I remembered the twins hided poppy before so I assume they want us apart

Its always her friends stood between us I never let my friends do that to us what make her think it's fair to do this to me then looked on the ground mad thinking why her friends can't see that I was the best thing that could happen to poppy

"Barb please,don't be this way just come back tomorrow she'll be here we swear chenille replied barb eyes turned red the three of them looked paralyzed and scared I ran towards one of them

Satin looked like she was gonna die she gave me a pleading look then spoke please dont I grabbed smidge by the collar to late I told her in return I use all my strength to punch her right in the face she cried in pain and fell back against the bar while chenille satin roughly grab my arm to push me away begging to stop but I didn't  I pushed both of the twins off of me they both fell back my whole mind and body was filled with pure rage they looked at me they watched crying smidge blacked out in pain

The twins chenille ran towards her and tried to help her stand up but she just side and pain while I was breathing heavily we have to take her to the hospital Chenille said and satin nodded barb looked looked shocked and sad with regret if poppy found out she would leave me she ain't ever gonna forgive me....

Poppy pov

I left from my friend Bridget then received a call from Chenille when she told me everything on the phone my heart dropped I ran quickly made my way to the hospital I saw smidge laying on the stretcher with a nurse being beside with her along with the twins....and barb I couldn't believe my eyes and I immediately ran towards them "what is going on?!what happened?!", I asked in pure panic while smidge reached for my hand I immediately put mine on hers the twins was way to devastated to answer my question while smidge was to weak to the nurse tried to explain to me

Queen poppy your friend has broken bones in her back we try everything we can but therer is a change that she might be paralyzed.",the nurse explained and tears were coming out of my eyes I couldn't believe how my friend smidge got put in a coma  I turn my head towards Barb wondering what was she doing here then something my mind ticked could she possibly have something to do with it

It has been hours and a surgery went well smidge looked exhausted laying on the bed while three of us was staying there supporting her making sure everything will be fine then I decided to walk out and drinking out the fountain to calm down I drinked up the water breathing in and out looking upset still but ok then looked at my ring I started wondering if she had something to do with her conditions if she did do something to her I will take it off and throw it away and leave I already warned her not to mess up

As I walked down the hall making my way back to the room I suddenly noticed that someone tapped my shoulder I turned around only to see barb looking down at me her clothes were ripped and she actually never leaved

"Barb what the hell happened?! why are you here!?

Barb sighed sadly and responded

Poppy I beatin smidge up I lost my mine and beaten her till she was paralysed

When she said that i looked disappointed how could she do this after everything we been through to make things work between us i turned away I didn't  want to look at her barb tried to hug me with tears in her eyes I couldn't hold back my anger

"Leave me alone.", I spat out but she didn't listen she hugged me anyway I pulled her away then stepped back

I'm sorry poppy I didn't mean to do this I just wanted  to tell you how sorry  I am about your friend.... I never wanted you to hate me.",she said and I couldn't listen to her apology I replied madly in rage

You killed everyone and I forgive you and now your attacking my friends are you serious barb I barked

Poppy I-I-I-I she begin strutting

Barb I opened my heart to you I forgive you and you're doing it again you kill riff Carol and Branch now you're doing it again this time smidge I am so done with you

I told her and pushed the the ring into her hand she was breathing heavily and her hands started to shake "but you are mine!", she suddenly yelled and I moved further away from her I'm not yours or anyone's no one owns me I told her and walked past her she grabbed my arm "No poppy you belong to me! I will have you no matter what even when I have to force you!!!", she yelled at me and I flinched in fear please help me!",I yelled as loud as I could and several people grabbed barb by the arm and pulled her away from me

No don't touch me bastards!!you can't be away from me to long poppy I am your destiny!! it will always be you and me!"she yell out the hospital my heart was beating so fast I knew I couldn't go back in the house barb would've hurted and yelled bad things to me all over again I had to stay with my friends alwhile till I can get enough money to get as far as possible away from her

You Stay Forver Mine Popsqueak~  Yandere Barb x PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now