(25) werid....

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Barb pov

After I was finished with my business I went upstairs and checked on poppy woke her up and asked if we could take a walk she didn't answer she just simply nodded we both went outside for a little walk for a while I turned to her notice she was in deep thought I wanted to know what's she's thinking about

"What is it that is so deep in your mind,princess?"

She turned to me very annoyed with no emotion and of course I always smrik like always

None of your business!" She rudely spat out me it pissed me off she didn't even see the angry expression on my face I harshly pulled her hair back

"I don't know If you are incredible brave or just plain stupid."i said chuckling in my her face she only gasped as I pulled her hair harsher

Didn't you listen to me that there will be punishments if you talk to me like that?"

She didn't answer me she looked at the ground afraid of seeing my scary eyes I gotten angrier and yelled


"Y...Ye..Yes...I listen to you."

My anger turned to a bright grin Good now that you're sorry that you've disrespected me." I said to her while caressing her cheek

It was so obvious she didn't want another punishment form me so she gave in and respond

Barb:Good now let's go get ready for my concert tonight alright

Poppy:Ok she said with no emotion

After the long concert

Poppy pov

We both sat on the couch with uncomfortable silence while my eyes are reflecting the hate I have for this girl her eyes represented some kind of satisfaction or even lust I tried to have the most possible distance to her but of course she somehow didn't notice my discomfort near her and decided to cross my privacy by sitting that close to me so that we don't have more than an inch distance

Since she thought that wasn't enough she grabbed my waist firmly and placed me without any effort on her lap I of course started to get away from her but her grip on my waist only tightened

Barb:Don't move away pipsqueak don't disobey this order or you know what will be coming."

Gulping I just nodded with my legs on either side of her her hands on my waist and my face directly infront of her he began to speak

Barb:Popcorn tomorrow we will go on a date ok my queen

No...B...but uh....c..could...W..."

"Poppy stop the damn stuttering and talk to me like a normal person would do." she said angrily but tried to cover her rage

Well barb I'm kind of uhm uncomfortable with the thought of us dating with all this  terrible injurys in my body after leaving the hospital maybe we could rearrange this date  next month because I think.." and I of course couldn't finish my sentence like always



I begin to tear up I wasn't able to still walk my body was still painful from the beatings and shot I didn't get her at all don't she care about me if she so call herself loving me so freaking much

She grabbed my cheek leand closer whispering

Barb:You know you are beautiful,right?"

She leaned her body over mine

"So innocent..."

Her body leaned forward to my body our our lips were closer

"And all this is mine..."

She wrapped her hands around my legs pulling me to her

She began to move her head closer to mine my heart beat increased and I could hear how my heart

Barb:Kiss me

She begged sexually I was confused at first what she meant by me being innocent and me claiming I'm all hers she kissed me on the neck a soft moan came outta my lips then I stopped her

Barb I'm tried not tonight please I begged sadly she would usually take me by force out my surprise she nodded and got off me we both went upstairs to sleep but something she said was off I wanted to know what she meant

I wanted to know and I will find out

You Stay Forver Mine Popsqueak~  Yandere Barb x PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now