(21) breaking in to find you~

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Poppy pov

We got away from the place we thought was safe but barb was on to us we had to get the heck outta there after we reached the house it was represented the wealth branch had because of my weak body branch carried me to my room before he helped riff with the luggage "does this house have a security system?", I asked very nervous "I think so beautiful house like this should have one carol replied and I nodded

Carol:Its getting late me riff gonna go to the other rooms

Branch:Alright guys good night

Me and branch watched the other two went down stairs to the other guest rooms

Branch looked down at me and smiled
Don't worry poppy the house has good security system as soon as someone tries to break in no matter how the alarm will go on and instantly alarm the police.",he explained and I was very relieved to hear that but soon it was awkwardly silent between us "so...poppy I repeat that you need space after everything barb did to you this house has five bedrooms I don't mind sleeping somewhere else.",he said

"No branch,please stay I don't want to be alone.",I said and he nodded we both laid down together and cuddled to sleep till we heard a huge noise downstairs we both ran quietly downstairs to see carol riff shocked and horrified looking at the window

Riff:She's here

Branch and poppy looked at each other in fear

Poppy:Who's out there


Poppy body froze with fear and confusion in the same time how we left the place she found how she found us here

Riff:I don't know but she cant get in

Carol:The place is locked down

We four sigh in relief suddenly noticed that the lights were turned off "what's happening I will go out there branch said and walked away to go outside the front door after a few seconds branch didn't come back should we go check on him poppy asked Carol instantly grapped her hand and ran riff followed behind them we suddenly heard a gun shot! we three flinched in panic and riff instantly took his gun out of his back carol looked at him in panic

Riff since when did you?",carol wanted to ask but he interrupted her ever since I knew barb is a psycho stay here and locked the door I will find out what happened he said and walked out of the room with his gun carol and I were shivering branch...poppy stuttered out while Carol locked the door carol opened the door wide open in fear seeing branch dead this time on the floor she dragged her in the room and looked the door poppy crawled to him in tears

"Branch!!Wake up!!you can't be dead I broke down crying in Carol's arms branch this time was dead this couldn't be happening "No!!",I screamed but Carol instantly put her hand on her mouth to silence her

"I know you're upset I am too but you have to stay quiet...",I could hear a familiar voice cheer and knew immediately that it was barb I knew she was dangerous but I never thought she would actually murder someone in the same house I'm in

"Oh popppy?!where are you?!come out wherever you are!"barb sang and carol froze we have to hide she said I nodded carol hid in the closet I got under the bed

It's been an hour we didn't hear another gum shot,so riff was still out there...I really hoped I riff finds her and call the cops I heard footsteps coming up the stairs we both stood in our places quiet barb twisted the door knob in the locked room where in barb instantly began laughing insanly

"The only locked room huh pipsqueak lets see if this works barb shots down the door she opened it and came in both of us still in the same hiding places not making a sound

Let's see where the little mice is hiding barb cheered and poppy body was sweating all over nervously

barb opened the closet door carol yelled in Panic and fear

Barb:Hey Carol nice seeing you again best friend barb said holding the gun to her head ~

You Stay Forver Mine Popsqueak~  Yandere Barb x PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now