39 Damage....

480 21 1

Poppy pov

My eyes slowly opened looking at the familiar room I got away from before  then my memory hit me barb slit all my friends throats and killed the one that I had a little crush on val my eyes teard up

She must've killed her as well as the rest I quickly stood up and ran towards the door tryna escape from her again as soon as I was about to leave arms were suddenly around my waist and pulled me away from the door I screamed very terrified but then a hand instantly covered my mouth

"Shhh poppy...you don't want to make me angry some more right you definitely shouldn't push me because I already am mad what did you even think you were doing? escaping me like I wouldn't find you.....before she licked it I flinched very terrified

You should've obeyed me and never leave.....you're such a bad girl I'm supposed to take care of you and you refused to listen now I have to teach you what happens to bad girls...", she breathed out before she pulled me upstairs with her

I screamed and tried to get out of her grip but she was too strong her work out also made her physically stronger..."No!! Stop Barb you cant keep me here I don't want to be here you please don't force me I yelled and she chuckled "No poppy you listen to me because I was to promise myself to take care of you and protect you  I love you and you should love me.",she replied and I struggled even more but her grip was unstoppable to get away from she pulled me straight to her arms and kissed my neck hungrily

"Say you love me poppy",I couldn't reply when she grip harder on my lower back

Making me yelp in pain

"Tell me you love me popsqueak tell me you love it when I touch you and kiss you barb yelled kissing my neck harder I gasped in pain and my moans turns into cries "Barb stop.... ",I whimpered out but she only sucked my neck harder making my head fall back "Say it bitch!!",she hissed and I couldn't handle it any longer I love you and love it when you kiss me!',I said and she instantly got more while she moaned herself

She bit down my bottom lip to make me open my mouth and her needy tounge immediately explored every inch of it she put a lot of her saliva in my mouth that I felt completely disgusted she put her hand behind my neck with an iron hard

Barb....please stop

Never popsqueak a stunt like yours deserves a long punishment.',she said and took a pocket knife out of her hair "This punishment will show you and everyone else who you belong to.",she said and pushed me against the wall she holded the knife right to my stomach and I panted heavily in fear "please don't hurt me anymore....",I begged her with tears in my eyes

"Hurting you? No I'm disciplining you not hurting you she said before she digged her knife into my stomach almost all of my voice was gone from all the screaming so I could only sigh when I experienced this horrible pain once she finished she threw the knife away holding me in place making sure I keep my balance which failed instead I fainted in her arms....

Barb pov

I love her and would never  like to do this but it's not like she had it coming I already gotten rid if the rest of her pathetic friends....even val I don't know if I killed her yet

Val thunderstock pov

I woken up in a cage chained up in a chair angry ass fuck cause barb would've almost killed me if I didn't faint sooner I used all my strength to get the ropes untied which worked I left the premises of her hell then remembered poppy was held hostage then it came to my attention I help her leave

You Stay Forver Mine Popsqueak~  Yandere Barb x PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now