(23) Now alone

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Poppy tried to get the window but couldn't she was still weak from her wounded stomach she sighed and sat on the couch trying to understand what happening right now?what she meant by ruining me if she ever hear branch name in her mouth again does she mean punishment is she going to hurt me or even worse kill me?

Barb was way to obbessed with her she would've killed her so this thought disappeared from her mind

Just thinking about the words she told her made her more sickly about the incident she wanted to make an a escape plan till the wedding by then she was gonna play along to fool her enough to get her to ear her trust

Next day

Poppy pov

I stood again in front of the mirror,only this with a wedding dress on and make-up applied on my face I couldn't recognize myself anymore its just not me I don't feel like myself anymore

I started to shake my head in disappointment of how I look as one of kpop gang makeover my face and hair I groaned

Wani:poppy you have to stay still otherwise I can't make your hair." I nodded as I started to cry wani noticed it and stopped doing my hair she pulled me around and looked guilty

"Why are you crying I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings by that please don't cry oh wani look you made poppy cry ari replied

I started to laugh while I crying wani its not your fault and the reason why girls is cause barb forcing me to marry her or she'll torture me

The kpop girls looked sad for her they all began to hug her to comfort her it actually calmed her down a little at least she made some friends after a while they left they weren't aloud to be therein was there alone starring at the mirror emotionless as the door slowly opens I started to stand up with and expressionless face but as I saw who was coming in I started to go near it and hug with all my heart

It was my friends and father "oh my god guys what are you doing here"?

King peppy:Thought that you would have your wedding without your friends and father?"

Poppy laughed and hugged her father tighter than ever

How are you feeling pumpkin.?" I responded to my father with sadness

Could have been better."I said and stared at him with a fake-smile

"So poppy there is another reason why we are in here before the wedding actually starts." my father started to speak seriously

And this would be?" I stared at him Confusin

"Listen my angel this is going to be very important after you marry barb I want you to escape after some time when you think that you are safe to do that."I started to think about about it and sigh

But dad she will kill all of my friends if I escape."I said as quite as possible so no one of the guards that are in front of the doors hear us

Poppy:I thought about it I'll stay

They all looked at me crazy

King peppy:But sweetheart you'll

Poppy.I know dad I lost riff carol branch because of this madness I will not lose anyone else

"Miss queen poppy queen barb is ready for you." as quick she came in as quick she leaves my room my friends went downstairs to sit with the guests

My dad turned to me with a sad smile
You look beautiful."my dad whispers in my ear as we started walking to my soon-to-be-wife I faked smiled and left with him we took a step in the hall my eyes didn't leave the eyes of barb she was gorgeous with the wedding gown on she wasn't smiling or smirking she looked at the ground nervous the whole time something in me wanted to ask her what was wrong then again I'm angry for what she did

My dad hand me over to barb which only started to whisper in my ear

"I am going to have so much fun with you tonight."

With that said I feel more and more anxious after the priest said all the main things he started to ask barb if she wanted to be my wife and treat me well and all this shit which she will be probably not be following in the future

She answered "Yes, I will." Then the priest turned to me like everyone one else all eyes was on me I was never use to this attention I was very scared barb whispered in my ear

"You must say I do barb said with with a serious expression on her face which made me....I gave her a confused expression and she roughly grabbed my hand she squeezed it very tight and I gasp in pain "Say I do or else..",she spat out very threatening and my body started to shiver her eyes were full of rage when I didn't respond to the priest and it terrified me while she squeezed even tighter I wasn't able to bare this pain anymore "I do...

"You now may kiss the bride."

And with that said barb gave me a long and roughly kiss which I didn't answer but as she once again whispered if you not kiss me back I will not hesitate to kill your other friends infront of your father and people". It didn't take long until I pressed my lips with hers after the kiss I felt disgusting and kind of used but I fake-smile at her just so she doesn't kill my friends I already lost Carol riff branch

I can't afford them to be part of this hell they're innocent in all this

I told my father to leave in the airport without me I waved goodbye to my friends after they packed because their flight they all left me without a trace I turned around to notice barb was smiling evilly at me crazy walking towards me touching my shoulder with her one hand

Barb:At least they're not in the way anymore you have no one now you only have me you're mine now finally


You Stay Forver Mine Popsqueak~  Yandere Barb x PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now