(27) Desperate

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Barb pov

What have I done? Am I really that heartless to abuse my wife in unconsciousness? I don't deserve someone as innocent as her?I am like everybody says,a dangerous person were one of my thoughts about this incident but another dominating part in my mind said something completely different it was all her fault she knew what would happening If she disrespects me in any way spitting in my face was just to much  she needs to know she belongs to me when she ask me what made me kill branch I snapped

Why do she care so much about him I  just warned her not to mention him or I'll ruin her by one punishment she'll never forget

And still I am the selfish one who brings up a wonderful and pure girl into this mess I just want her to love me I ain't asking much I just love you poppy if only you knew how much I really care about you my father came in the room looking very ashamed of my abusive behaviour to her him and I begin to argue

Poppy pov

The only thing I saw was darkness no color no light just darkness I was trapped afraid and alone I didn't know what was going on totally clueless but suddenly I saw a light signaling freedom and happiness I tried to reach it with all my strength I had as I reached it all the darkness and negativity disappeared and I got consumed into another world

My eyes silently opened while wincing at the bright light reflecting on my eyes I rubbed them and tried to adjust to the lightning in this room I started  to look at the wires attached to my body and at the machine's surrounding the bed I am laying in

I am in a...hospital...again why

But how did I end up here again?why am I even here how long was I staying at the hospital....?what happened?!

My memory kicked in and helped me these person were none other than my slightly abusive wife barb and her father thrash they were at each other arguing it was so much yelling it gave me one huge headache and making me cry from the pain

They broke their staring contest and looked with surprised faces in my direction both of their faces lost the emotion of anger and turned it into happiness

"Oh where so sorry for yelling that loud honey other than that I am so glad that you are finally awake I am going to call the your father.",king thrash said smiling leaving

After saying that he went out of the room leaving me alone with barb I'm scared talking to her im not even comfortable around her but she had other plans she stormed straight to my bedside while I pressed myself against the bed too  afraid about her quick action

She leaned into me and raised her hand at that I visibly flinched too freaked out of her slapping me it's like a natural reflect of me she frowned at my scared gesture like she was upset about it and I thought she feeds of my scardness

She took her raised hand and hesitantly placed it on my cheek in a loving gesture while she began to caress my cheek with her thumb I looked at the ground with no respond barb's eyes tear up from my scared behavior towards her she aggressivly raised my head up to look at her

"You don't know how happy I am to see you awake princess I am going to make it up to dont ever be afraid to look at me love ok

She said that to me with so much determination and honesty in her voice

I only nodded to her responds not tryna be hurt again she kissed my cheek

Princess is there anything you want before I carry you home

No I'm fine

Poppy pov mind
We both had an awkward silence while she carried me bridal style we both had a quiet drive home and came home and set up everything before watching tv in the living room  
I wasn't much watching the movie  doe eyes were on the floor sadly thinking I turned to my side and caught out my attention barb's eyes were on me

It wasn't obsessive stare it was worried care and sadness coming out her eyes

Could it be true she actually cares enough to understand me

Hey guys so listen I know your gonna be excited for part 28 but listen I might not be able to continue if I don't have enough time I will be doing online school for a while so I might not be able to have time doing any more this

But I promise I will do everything in my power to finish down this story

Thank you so much for the love support love you guys

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