Picnic pt2- Georgenotfound

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They both just laid there for a few more minutes before deciding to go get some dinner. “You know, I know this really good restaurant in town that we can go to. It's italian.” George said as they were walking back to the car to put everything away. “Spaghetti sounds so good right now, Oh my.” Y/n said as she put everything in the back and went in the front. 

They drove to the little restaurant and had a really good dinner.  The spaghetti was amazing. “Hey wanna go watch the stars in the field?” George asked her as they got into the car. “Yes, of course! Oh my, it’s gonna be so pretty.” Y/n said, excited. 

George drove back to the field and they found the spot where they laid down last time. They put the balcet down and just laid there. It was a beautiful night and the stars were bright. You could even see a bit of the galaxy. 

This is perfect, she’ll love this. George thought to himself as he sat down. Y/n sat next to him and looked up. “Wow, the stars are just so beautiful tonight, but I think I forgot my camera.” Y/n sad with a sad tone to her voice. George looked at her and smiled. “What?” She said with a laugh. He got up and ran to the car. As he ran back Y/n saw something in his hand. 

“Well I know you don’t really go anywhere without your camera, so when we were at your house and I saw it on the counter, I thought you might want to bring it.” George said as he smiled and handed her the camera. She put it on the blanket and stood up. She hugged George and kissed him. He kissed back and they kissed under the stars for a while. 

“Wait, I have a great idea. I want this moment to last forever so why not take a picture?” Y/n said as she was setting up her camera. “How are you gonna do that? Don’t you have to press a button for it to take a picture?” He said, just a little confused. She laughed a bit and looked at him “Well with cameras now, there's this feature. You can set up your camera, press the button and in about 5 seconds it will take the picture, so we can capture this.” she said with a huge smile on her face. 

She set the camera up and took a few pics. They turned out amazing. 

“Wow these are sooo good Y/n! I love them. Wait okay so when you get them send them to me, I’m gonna post them.” George said. Y/n laughed and told him she would. After she put her camara away, they laid down again. She put her head on his chest again and watched the stars. “Hey look, it was a shooting star, Oh shit I gotta wish for something. Uhmm, yeah okay. What’d you wish for George?” She said as she looked up at him “Well i can’t tell you are elese it won’t become true.” she said with a smirk. She smiled and put her head back. 

After another 2 hours of this Y/n was getting sleepy and Gogy didn’t want her to sleep out here without a tent or blanket so he picked her up and put her in the car. He grabbed the rest of the stuff from the field and put it in the back of the car. He drove her home. 

When they got to Y/n’s house he carried her upstairs to her bed and placed her down. She was awake but sleepy. “Do you want pj’s?” George asked in a soft voice. “Oh yeah, uh bottom drawer.” She said as she yawned. He got her a soft shirt and a pair of soft pj shorts. “I’m gonna bring in the stuff, so you should get dressed.” George said as he shut her bedroom door and headed downstairs. He got everything out from the car and put it back where it needed to be. He went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door. “Hey, you dressed?” he asked. “Yeah I am, you can come in.” George opened the door and saw her laying in bed on her phone. He smiled and went over to that side of the bed. “Hey, goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” he said as he leaned down and gave her a kiss. “No please, I want you to stay tonight. Then I can get up in the morning and make you breakfast. Please Gogy?” She said as she put her phone down and looked at him. He smiled really wide and blushed very hard. “ I mean I guess I could-” He was trying to say but was cut off by Y/n pulling him onto her bed. She laughed and so did George. “Well okay yeah I’m gonna sleep here but i'm not sleeping in pants. I’m gonna go get my pj’s from the car.” He said, getting up. She blushed. “Okay but hurry up.”

As soon as he got into the house with his pjs, he changed and went into her room. She smiled at him and he got in the bed. She put her phone away and just cuddled with him. SHe put one leg over him and her head was on his chest. “You know what’s my favorite part about laying on your chest?” she asked him. “What’s that?” She blushed a little before she said anything. “Well it’s that i can hear your heartbeat. It always goes up when I talk and that’s so cute. It also really comforts me because then I know you're here with me.” She said. George was a blushing mess. She looked up at him and giggled a bit. “Oh my god you’re so cute.” She said os george covered his face. She removed his hands from his face and kissed him “Well I’m always here with you, okay? Please remember that.” he said. As she laid her head back down she eventually fell asleep and so did George.

 In the morning Y/n made him breakfast as promised and he loved it. “You make killer pancakes Y/n. Wow jeez.” George said as he took a few bite of the pancakes she made for him. “Oh, believe me, i know.” she said as she smirked over at him.

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