The beach- Sapnap

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George, why do I have to go with you? I don’t even like the beach and it’s way too hot for me to be outside.” Y/n trailed on. “Because I said you had to and mom said she wanted us to spend some with each other while we were both home. And I wanna see you before you move to Texas for a whole year.” George said as he looked at his younger sister. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Whose all gonna be there?” she asked, getting her things ready. “Clay, Nick, you, and I.” George said, putting all the food together. “Oh okay, so I’m gonna be the only girl, got it.” Y/n said going upstairs to change. She really didn’t wanna go but she wanted to spend time with her brother before she went to Texas and before he went back to England. 

As she got a swimsuit on and put clothes over it, she also packed some sunscreen and money, just in case they wanted something to eat or drink there. She got a text from Nick

N: you coming today or nah?

Y: Yeah, gogy is making me, but I’m excited to see you guys.

N: oo okay well I’ll see you soon:)

She smiled at the text and put her phone down. She took off the makeup she had put on earlier in the day. She applied sunscreen to her face just in case. Y/n picked up her bag and went downstairs and found George hanging out waiting for her. “You ready to go finally?” he asked, looking up from his phone. SHe smiled at him, “Yes I’m ready. Are you taking your car or mine?” She asked. Gogy held up her keys and y/n nodded. 

Hey got into the car and started driving to the beach. Y/n put her favorite playlist on shuffle and the first song that came on was Dead to me by Kali Uchis, Gogy and y/n both knew the song by heart and sang it. After a few more karaoke parties in the car, They were there. As they looked out the windshield they saw Clay on Nick’s shoulders, Bad on Skeppy’s shoulders, and Tommy with a whistle. And on the sand laid and Wilbur and Tubbo. Y/n and Geroge both just nodded their heads and opened the doors to get out of the car. RIght as they did, Tommy blew the whistle and the chicken fight began.  Bad fell right away into the water and Dream started to celebrate. Tommy was clapping and high fiving Sap and Dream. 

George and Y/n went by WIlbur and Tubbo first. “Hey dude, what’s up?” George asked them both. They looked behind them and saw George. Immediately they got up and hugged him. “Whose this?” Tubbo asked George, pointing at Y/n. “Oh that’s my sister, Y/n” She smiled and introduced herself. 

Sapnap looked over and saw her. She looked so pretty. She was beautiful and amazing and just overall perfect. He got out of the water and went up to them. “Hey George and Y/n. How we doing?” He asked, giving them both a hug. “Good how are you?” Gogy repsoned. As they were talking Clay came up and said hi too. They all talked for a little until Y/n wanted to go swimming. She stripped to her suit and looked at sap. “I’ll race you.” She said to him. “Oh it’s on.” he said. She started running without warning but Sapnap caught up to her. He picked her up and ran into the water with her. GThey laughed a bit and just swam around. They kept close to each other when swimming and just held onto each other. 

“So, Nick and Y/n eh?” Dream asked Gogy as they swam. “Yeah I think so. They’d be good for eachother. It’d get Y/n out of the house more and he’d probably force her to do all of her college homework so.” George said as he looked at Dream. Dream smiled, “Yeah he really likes her. He won’t shut up about her ever. I mean it’s all I hear from him after Y/n got a pc.” he said as he laughed, George smiled at the thought of his sister being happy and having something she’s wanted for a long time, Someone who cares a lot about her romantically. 

As the sun was setting the temp stayed about the same. It was not humid, just hot so everyone was enjoying the beach. Wilbur had brought stuff to make dinner for everyone. “Where the fuck did you get a mini grill?” Y/n asked him as she sat on a picnic table. SApnap sat beside her and put his arm around her waist giving her a side hug. “Walmart is a great place, you know. Tommy, Tubbo and I went there for the first time today and I spent a lot of money on shit I don’t really need. But I also got up burgers and hot dogs and everything else we need for the spectacular dinner tonight.” 

Wilbur finished cooking and surprisingly didn’t die. He set everything up and told everyone to come eat. The food was actually really good and everyone had seconds. George went to his car and grabbed ice cream out the back. “When did you put that in there?” Y/n asked him. He just chuckled and put it on the table. Sap got both him and y/n some. “Here.” He said, putting down and sitting down next to her. She thanked him and ate the ice cream. After, everyone wanted to go stargazing so they set blankets and towels down and looked at the sky. Sap and Y/n stayed where they were for a second. 

“Hey, can I tell you something real quick?” Y/n said to Nick. He looked at her. He looked her straight in the eyes. As he did that she got butterflies. “ Yeah sure, what’s up?” He asked her. He knew what was coming but was still really happy. He had liked her for a while now and even thought a lot of things out. She was going to college in Texas, everything just lined up perfectly. “So I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while but we haven’t seen each other in so long but I really like you. Like a lot. Like everytime you look at me I get butterflies and I melt when you smile at me. You’ve made me blush so much and I don’t blush. And you're just overall perfect.” Y/n said as she smiled and laughed through it. He just smiled. “Can I kiss you?” he asked. Y/n was very big on consent and she nodded her head. They kissed for a minute until Tommy looked over and screamed. 

“HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?” he said, pointing a diamond minecraft sword at them. Since Tommy was always this dramatic, a lot of people didn’t look over. Only Dream did. He just smiled and quietly whispered to Geroge. “Hey, they kissed. I think it’s happening.” 

hey guys! I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to update I've just had a lot going on but I hope you guys like this! more coming soon. - sam:)

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