A walk home pt 2- Dream

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As the night went on she kept thinking about it.

*He kissed me.. HE KISSED ME! No I can't let him in again, he hurt me so much. But he's mega cute. Uhg FUCK*

As she woke up she stretched and then picked up her phone

Big green block guy

B: Hey cutie:) good morning. I hope you slept well. Uhm so I'm meeting up with some friends today and we're going to the arcade. Wanna come? If not that's totally okay...

Her eyes widened at the text. The real life Dream asking her to go to the arcade with him and his friends? WHAT?

Y: Uhm yeah sure I'll come. What time we going?

She glanced over at the clock. 12:30 already? Y/n didn't expect Clay to respond quickly, he never did, no matter what. She took a nice warm shower and blew dry her hair.

B: Uhm we're going at about 6:30 and coming home late. We might go to the boardwalk we don't know yet. Also don't bring any money, I got it.

She smiled and blushed. Maybe this would be like a sorta kinda maybe.. Date? No no, well maybe? She looked around the room to find something to wear. She didn't go out often so she didn't have very many cute clothes. She sighed and looked in her sister's room. She had cute clothes because of course, she was the cute sister. Yet she was about 4 years older, they were the same size. She found a cute shirt and some shorts to go with the shirt. She did her hair and put the clothes on. She ate some food and did some painting, one of her many hidden talents. By the time she was finished with half the painting she put the clothes on and it was 6:30.

B: Hey I'm outside with Jake, Sam, and Talon. You're in the front today.

Y: Okay i'll be out in a sec

She went out of her room and outside to Clay's car. Of course it was a convertible. That's always been his dream car and he always said one day he would get it. She hopped in and they went to the nearest arcade. It was about a 30 min drive so they jammed out to music on their way there. None of the boys noticed, but Dream out his hand on Y/n's thigh. She felt a slight tingle go up her spine when he did that. He looked over at her just to see her being a blushing mess. He chuckled. "You know, you're really cute when you blush like that. Oh and I like the outfit choice, but why your sister's clothes? I like yours better personally." Clay said as he was making a turn into the arcade's parking lot. "Thank you lots Clay and I didn't really have any clean clothes." She said as she smiled at him.

They all got out of the car and Sam went up to Y/n. "So Clay tells me you like space invaders. Definitely a personal fav of mine too, so you wanna go get the high score?" He said with an excited face. In Y/n's mind she was freaking out. These boys have never even looked at her before and now they wanna play video games with her? Wow this is crazy. And it's all thanks to Clay. "Uhm yeah sure, why not?" She said as they ran to the door.

Clay, Jake, and Talon stayed back. "Jeez it's like we're watching kids play at Mcdonald's play place." Jake said to Dream. He laughed a bit. "Yeah but she's cute when she's happy. And she doesn't go out much so I just let her be." Dream said as he leaned against a claw machine. Y/n looked over at Dream. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She looked behind him and saw what was in the claw machine. It was full of little minecraft plushies. Her eyes widened and Dream gave her a confused look. She got up from her finished game of space invaders and ran over to the claw. She looked amazed as she started at the enderman plush.

"It looks so soft, oh my god." She said as her face was almost pressed up against the glass. "Well why don't we win it then. I'll have you know nothing's changed from when we were 8, I'm still the master of the claw. Also, if you want, I can teach you my ways." Clay said as he came up behind her and grabbed her waist. She got major butterflies and blushed, as always. She nodded her head and they put 50 cents in the machine. Y/n was moving the joystick with the dream behind her. "No no no, you're doing it all wrong," Dream said as she placed his hand on hers. "Here, this is how you move it." he guided her hand on the joystick and then grabbed her other hand to push the button. "Oh.. Ooh OH WERE GETTING THE ENDERMAN!" Y/n shouted. Dream blushed a bit and gave her a behind hug. She turned around and saw his bright red face. "Awww is Clay blushing, How cute." she said with a wink. She got the prize out of the box and gave it a hug. Dream laughed at her. After a few games of ski ball, pool, and air hockey, they went to the boardwalk. I was about 8:30 and the sun was just setting and they caught the beautiful purple sky.

"Hey, this is your favorite color or purple right?" Dream asked Y/n. she looked at him surprised. "Yeah, how do you remember?" she asked him. He smiled at her. "I don't usually forget things about the most important girl in my life." he said as he put his hands around her waist. She blushed and laughed a bit. He kissed her. "OOOo clay get it." He heard Jake yell from a distance. They got ice cream and a smoothie for Y/n. She blushed and smiled. "Jeez Clay, it was about damn time you kissed her. Was that yall's first kiss?" Sam asked as he handed Y/n her smoothie. Clay rolled his eyes and smiled. "No aha. We kissed last night too." she said with a little nervous laugh. Talon's eyes widened. Dream looked at him with a smirk. "What?" Y/n questioned. "Nothing, just a little old time joke that I remembered." Clay said. After that Y/n saw a game she wanted to play so they went over there. Dream took her hand as they walked over. He was always on the outside. Once they got there she asked him, "why am I always on the inside?" he looked down at her. "Well I don't want you getting hurt or in the way of any danger. Basically so that if something happens, it will happen to me not you." He said as he smiled at her. She smiled widely back.

After about 2 more hours on the boardwalk of games, food and just hanging out. They drove home. Dream dropped off Talon first, then Sam, then Jake. "Hey this isn't the way to my house." Y/n said looking out the window. "Yeah I know. So do you wanna come over for a bit?" Clay said as he was turning down his street. She laughed. "Well i can't say no now." Dream smiled. "Yeah, that's the point." He smiled at her. His smiles made her stomach get major butterflies and her cheeks super pink.

When they got into Dream's house they went up to his room. His mom was asleep so they didn't have to worry about her. His room had changed a lot since she was last in it. There were a few things framed. Fan mail and fan art. And his room wasn't a mess, his bed was made and the holy grail setup was there. She remembers when he just had a pc and a cheap monitor. Now he here, he deserves it though. She sat down on his bed and checked her phone. "Hey my mom wants to know if I'm sleeping over or not." She said to him as he entered the room. "Yeah you can sleepover, I mean, I'm sure my mom won't mind." He said turning on his LED lights and off his big room light. The light color was blue but changed to a darkish purple, Y/n's favorite color. She was just sitting on the end of his bed.

She was scrolling through insta when out of the corner of her eye, she saw Clay take off his shirt. She looked up, the back muscles made her eyes widen and her cheeks pink. He threw his shirt in the laundry basket and took his shorts off. That's when she looked away. He felt her pink cheeks. They were hot. As she was thinking to herself she felt someone tackle her. 'Oh my GOD DREAM!" She exclaimed as he was tickling her. She tried to push him off but he just kissed her. His hands moved to her hips as they continued kissing.He started to sit up and he picked her up and put her on his lap. She noticed he still wasn't wearing a shirt. That made him 10x hotter than usual for some reason. They sat there for a while just making out. After a few mins, they stopped. Clay could tell that she was getting out of breath, but she was a damn good kisser. He laughed slightly. "You're not gonna sleep in those shorts, are you?" She looked at him. "I mean, I never went home so I don't have any other clothes," She said. "Easy fix," Clay said, getting up. He threw her a shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "Hey, you don't have to change in here if you're not comfortable." Dream said as she was holding the clothes. "No, No it's okay. I'll change in here. I don't wanna wake your momma up.' she took her shirt off and put Dream's oversized shirt on. It was a Dream merch shirt, or course. And then she slipped her shorts off and put the basketball shorts on. As she was done she walked back over to Dream's bed and sat back down on his lap. They started making out again.

After a bit of time, about an hour later. Clay could tell Y/n was tired and wanted to go to bed. "Hey, let's go to bed. We can do this later. I want you to sleep beautiful. And anyways, you're gonna need a few ice packs tomorrow and we only have like, I don't' know, 3." he said smiling at her. She smiled too and blushed. "Okay, yeah and uhm, you're gonna need some too but like I definitely need them." She laughed. She got under the covers and put her head on Clay's chest and one leg over him. He put one arm around her and one hand on her leg. She had the best sleep of her life and Dream was just happy to have the world in his hands.  

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