run away and hide

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Desirae prov

-3 weeks later-

Running from everything that's what I do latley. I have not seen the group for 3 weeks. Idk what I'm going to do when its time for the baby but I'll find something. I have not seen any one. I miss the prison. I miss Daryl. As I hunt I hear something and I turn.

"Put your bow down!" I hear a raspy voice say.


"DESIRAE" he grabs me and hugs me.

"Sh don't yell"

" where have you been? Rick has not come out of his cell since you left! I know what he did was wrong but give the guy a break. You don't need the stress its bad for the baby" I tear up ....rick damn I love him still.

"Let's go back"

As we walks back the last thing I remember is being shot and falling everything turned black.


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