Good Enough?

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Was I ever good enough for you.
Was I ever liked
All of what you said,
Was it lies
Was I to clingy
Or did you just not like me.

Would I be better gone
Out your life.
For you to never see me again.
I know I'm not perfect
I just wanted you to care

Did you ever care.
Were you wrong to like me
I wasn't good enough was I
I never will be.
I know what your thinking

I don't. Like you.
Your salty we broke up
I like boys more.
You never showed any care to me.

You'd leave me on read.
Was I messing up
Ruining your life.
I'd so you should have told me
I get it it's my fault.

I shouldn't have trusted you with my broken heart.
Your hurting me.
I dinr like myself.
Neglecting feelings.
Shut myself out.

I'm numb to feelings.
You couldn't tell my fake smile from my real one
This isn't to you. I'm just saying I know I'm not good enough for you or anyone.
I know that
I'm not ok
You never ask if I'm OK more then once
No one does
All it takes
"yeah I'm good..."  or "yeah I'm fine" no one thinks.

People are hurting  . I'm hurting..
Sat here cuddled up thinking I meant nothing to you. Never will never have. I get that

If you actually liked me you wouldn't have crushed my heart and I wouldn't have been stupid enough to see how toxic the relationship was. How many times you'd hurt me if allow you to do it again. Like it was nothing.

You joked about cutting and stuff. That hurt me to see and hear. You threatened to kys.

While I was there trying wa ting to escape my pain. Feeling useless. Unloved unwanted. Feeling stupid. Wanting to eat less. Hide in baggy clothes. That didn't work at all. I just wanted to be gone. Forgotten by you. All of you.

I still  feel useless nothing happy you broke me you bith did . You act like im ok. You didn't treat me. Great. Saying you lived me. Kissing touching was it all a lie did you ever care. 2 weeks it took you to break my heart again and. I'm  the fool for thinking you'd changed.

Being called a. Lazy cow
Fat. Over the phone
Laszy shit
And other names. Under the sun.
I'm told I'm taking things to seriously maybe I Dont have a reason to be depressed. To wanna kms to feel numb nothing no pain no feelings just live.. Or die. That way I'd be with my dead. Family maybe then it'd be different

How would you react knekng you'd have broken me. Toca point I was no longer happy.  No longer wa ting yo like anyone. I'm surrounded by happy couples it makes. Me. Think that you left because you found better smarter prettier hotter thinner   tjat it was my fault you stopped texting me. Much. My fault that I spammed. You because you left me. In read for hours and. Never talked. To me. I gave up. What did I do wrong

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