Is This True Love

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The days are blurs.
Until I'm with you.
The way I imagine your cheeks.
So rosey and red.

Blush crawling up our faces.
In the late hours of the night.
Is this love, true love?

Giggles of nervousness.
Flirty conversations.
The never-ending tord.
This is love. I'm in love.

I love when you're clingy.
It makes me happy
The constant missing you
Cuddled up to cc

It's all of you
It's all of me.
And. Together. we.
It's all us.

I miss you
You miss me.
I'd like to be
Forever yours

Senses overwhelmed
Tears in my eye
Wanting to talk
But you're not here

Days bore me
Nights excite me.
And its all because
You're  there for me.

I love you.

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