Chapter 2: Turnips Will Be The Future Of This World

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"And, I swear it on my own key to this fine establishment of a municipality, that this grand place that is Black Water City, will be running on this exciting new form of energy before the Seventh of January next year!"
Thus ended, on the eighteenth day of the April month, the grand unveiling of the newly-planned turnip-power-plant, which was to provide energy to all people in the Black Water City area.
The event felt strangely lonely, although a crowd of over one-thousand gathered to see what the mayor had schemed. The only audience-member worth noting was a young man, of about twenty-two, who was just out of college and planned to be married to his high-school sweetheart (who sat next to him, patiently waiting for her fiancé to get up so they could go out to lunch.)
Rain got her wish, as Robin got up and stretched out.
"It's only eleven-thirty?" He stated.

Rain Smith was engaged to the man of any girl's dream, Robin Steward. She watched him walk about his apartment, making calls and being flustered by every business that continually asked him about his schedule, to see if he could drop by and offer advice.
"When one is a business extraordinaire by age 15, one must become a hot item for companies."
Robin had mastered business by the preteen age. He knew what to do, what sold, what didn't, what to move, what to destroy, who to fire, and who to take down. He was wanted by every company and corporation. They all imagined their staff with a sales director as fine as Robin.
Rain was alone now, walking down the Main Street to her own house a mile or more away. Robin had not noticed her leaving. Rain Smith was alone again.
Rain Smith, soon to be Rain Steward.
Rain couldn't remember a time other than his proposal that Robin had talked to her for a long period of time. Dating had been fine- there was always talking. There was communication. That had been cut off now.
Rain Smith.
She thought, "Rain Steward."
At least, when she got home, her television would always be working, thanks to the turnips.
"Turnips are really great things." Rain said out loud.

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