Chapter 4: Air

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"Soft drizzling in Black Water today," the newspaper read.
"This new writer sucks," thought Rain Smith, the soon-to-be Bride of Robin Steward, the young businessman.
Rain had had a tough week. Had she had not told her fiancé what had been on her mind, she wouldn't have been so upset.
Robin Steward was heartbroken at the cancellation of his wedding. However, he could not see why his ex-girlfriend would call it off without warning.

In Robin's mind, a lack of communication was not an issue- it was simply a fact of life. People are too busy to talk. He stood by this philosophy- and it angered many people. The only reason why anybody would bear with his isolationist ways was because of his skill. Robin was only liked for his work talents- his social talents were nonexistent.
Rain went back to her home, and called her young friend whom she had met years earlier, when she helped tutor high school students.
"Plastic! I left my husband!"
"No, I didn't marry him yet."
"Come over. I'm sad now. I could use a friend."

Jason Plastic hopped on the bus and made his way through the city to his friend's house. Across the city, advertisements laid on billboards and buildings, announcing the arrival of Turnip Power. Turnip Power was the future, and there was nothing that they would do about it. Turnip Power was everything. Jason's futile attempts to work well with others were only Turnips. Turnip Power was the base substance of his friend's engagement. It was just Turnips.

"10:00," read the clock in Rain's home. Jason had to leave. He had work in the morning. He had to have another attempt to work with his co-workers who did not understand his style of working (which was, alone.)
Jason had few friends. He didn't need many. His friends thought him shy, but not stupid. He was smart, just lonely. He tried to be outgoing, but just turned into a pretty-looking statue after a while. People "only saw me for my looks," said Jason. This was not true, but Jason couldn't accept the fact that people did not understand him in general. Jason was an enigma that intrigued and drove away people. He didn't understand.

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