Chapter 3: A Girl Meets Another Girl, And The Rest Is Chronicled Later

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Was there any way to survive the subzero temperatures? Sherrie Amber knew that there was at least one. A survivor of an isolated fishing vessel is the Arctic, she was used to cold weather. After being trapped for a week, surviving with scared fishermen and eating frozen fish, she was interviewed by an eccentric man. He asked, "How did you manage?"
"I didn't really. Cold isn't that bad. I just was bored. That's all. I need to see my friend Tasha now. It's been more than a while." Sherrie Amber walked away, and joined her friend.
Sherrie Amber was not here, but Tasha was. Her name was (and is) Tasha Tisch. Miss Tisch, upwards of 27, was feeling like she needed a husband. Her body clock was ticking like a bomb in her mind. Sherrie Amber had been carried off by a bearded lumberjack into the Alaskan wilderness years ago. All Miss Tisch had now was blind dates and her secretary job in the Black Water Municipal Building. Located in the city center, Miss Tisch received a lot of city action during her day. When she had a day off, she headed from her city condo into the suburbs. She liked this one particular flower shop- and she emerged from it with flowers in her right hand and a phone in the left.
"No, Emerson, I don't want to go out tonight, I'm feeling bad..."
In truth, Tasha Tisch had another date. She was inviting a young co-worker to her condo to eat dinner with her. He couldn't have been 23 at the time- he was still college. One could dare say he was a freshman. Probably not. However, Jason Plastic came over at 7, and left at 2 that morning. The night had been involving dinner and three movies. Miss Tisch felt hopeless. Plastic felt like he had been played out of an actual date. People forgot he was a human being with feelings, he supposed. Plastic was not just a pretty face, in all actuality. The only person who thought he was shallow (or supposed himself to be) was Plastic himself. Plastic was a mess.

Miss Tisch was at work. It was Tuesday. The scent of lilac enveloped the room from an unknown source. The walls, painted beige, were boring, as usual.
This scene was thought by Tasha as a young woman walked up to Tasha's desk.
Resume in hand, gold necklace draped over a flowered blouse, and blue skirt covering her snow-white legs, a woman introduced herself as Lily Tack.

"Lily Tack, ahem, Miss Tack," an older man muttered in large conference hall, "you have no prior experience anywhere."
The two, the man and woman, were the only two in the huge room. Sounds echoed as if in a window-illuminated large cavern.
"Yes, I know, but I need a job." Lily batted her eyes and stroked the man's leg.

Lily sat, days later, in her cubicle. She was good at two things, being innocent, and getting what she thought she needed. Neither of those things helped her sort forms in alphabetical and chronological order.

Lily Tack, the virgin princess, the tease, the prude. Lily didn't get everything, but she certainly received a lot. If schmoozing was considered work, Lily was a hard-worker indeed.
Tasha Tisch received these ideas (or, rather, these truths) from her own inferences. Tasha thought, "this girl obviously knows her way around."

That night, a conversation ensued after work:
"Miss Tack. I'm Tasha Tisch. I work at the front desk. I've seen you around, and I'd like to know you! How about a drink? We can discuss things! Work, life, boys? Delightful, right, good times?"

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