Chapter 7: Hunting Ancient Carthaginians

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Three months earlier than the pregnancy, when Big Mama was just blowing up, a demo tape of her debut (and single) mixtape, "Turnip Power Rules the Streets," on a lonely and desolate night, a young woman named Lily blackmailed a Mayor by threatening to "spread unsavory information and leak a mixtape meant for political propaganda."
The mayor, hopeful to stop this, rode out to this woman's address (so politely placed on the letter) to convince her not to do the act of slander.
Perhaps, telling the police would have been a better idea. Upon reaching the address, a little old man stood at the door.
"What do you want, doing at our house at this hour?" The man asked.
"Wrong house, I guess," the mayor shuffled, and attempted to move away.
"There are no other houses within three miles."
"Deary!" A small voice called from the bowels of the house. Lily, the sultry woman, emerged like a polished rat.
"Oh, sweet man! My baby!" She popped into of the doorway. "Father, he's here to meet me. Get out."
Lily's Father was used to his daughter being a vindictive and manipulative human being, but he felt that, this time, she had gone past the limit.
"Lily, join me in the house. Sir, we will be a minute."
Leading her inside, he gave Lily a perturbed glance.
"What is this?" He slammed the door. "This was once getting your boyfriends to do your homework. Work, chores, duties, you name it, you've never done any! Now, you want political power? No."
Lily began to pout, but before she could complain to her father, he made sure she could never twist her words again.
Meanwhile, the Mayor was confused, standing outside of their quaint abode in utter silence. When he heard a clang from inside, he began to experience an uneasiness.
Sooner or later, he'd enter the house. However, by that point, Lily and her father would be long gone on their "trip," which, much like a fun car ride, had Daddy driving up front, with Lily stuck in the backseat.

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