Chapter 2

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"JInnie is definitely avoiding me" Bin uttered to himself as he was driving down the busy street of Seoul. Ever since their divorce, they have intentionally worked hard on their co-parenting relationship for Mi Cha and Joon. Their friendship naturally came back as months passed because they do genuinely care for each other. In fact, he has started to call her Jinnie again, his own made up nickname for her. Bin started to muse on their past.

Hyun Bin met Son Yejin in high school as they were both transferees to a prestigious private school. Being an athletic scholar, Bin hang out mostly with the popular crowd. He was somehow a people pleaser. His parents were blue collar workers and his luck came from being good at baseball. Bin wasn't a dumb jock. In fact, he excelled in mathematics, a favorite subject of his. However, he knew the hardships of being poor and so, focused on getting ahead in life through whatever opportunities that he can create for himself. He needed to use all his wits, his skills and create connections to be successful. Oh he didn't have to pretend he was rich to be appreciated. His looks and his baseball skills made him acceptable to upper tier of the school and his social status was overlooked.

Yejin was the typical smart beautiful girl of the batch. Bin immediately noticed her, of course but what struck him the most is that she was seemingly unaware of her charm. She was an enigma of sorts - she was quick to laugh but had a sadness lingering in the moments where he would catch her alone, she had a presence that everyone was drawn to but she seemed to hold back and was content to be in the sidelines. She usually kept pretty much to herself and would always be in a corner of the library or the school field burrowed reading her books or writing in the brown notebook of hers. They were of the same batch but didn't run in the same circles and so, he was content with looking at her from afar.

During their second year, he was paired with Yejin on a project for literature. Being a math person, literature was almost alien language to him and so he welcomed being paired with the smartest. Bin didn't let his academics fall behind as he knew even then that he needed to get into one of the top 3 universities in the country. And that was how their friendship started.

Bin caught himself biting his thumb joint as he ended his reverie. It was a sign that he was anxious about her. Could she be going through problems with Gil? He couldn't deny that he was a little bit pleased with that thought. Okay, maybe way too pleased. Ever since Yejin started dating, he couldn't help but feel a spark of jealousy. He couldn't help but think that it should've been him. Never mind that he was in a relationship too, actually. This was his cue to stop the train of thoughts that lead to the Yejin situation.

Turning towards the entrance of the hotel parking, Bin mentally prepared himself to his time with Sora. He needed to take Yejin out his mind and be more present with his ongoing relationship. Unlike in the movies where the father's girlfriend was evil and cunning, Sora was actually a very nice person. The kids are comfortable around her (Mi Cha even asks Sora for fashion tips) and she makes an effort to take care of him. He met Sora as she was the events manager of The Shilla. Bin frequently holds meeting clients as their bank has an account in the said hotel. In one of those meetings, she was able to handle an unfortunate situation with a client (it involved client's wife and his mistress) and since then, they shared a few laughs about it leading to conversations and eventually, dating. For the past year, things were steady and Bin has been considering taking their relationship to another level. Sora has been hinting at wanting a family of her own and he also began thinking that maybe he needed to really move on. Committing with Sora in a more serious way will be the final step in saying goodbye to the wish to be with Yejin. That by some twist of faith, they might still make it work. He also hated himself for being unfair to Sora.


Sora was in a meeting in a corner of the main buffet area when Bin walked in. From the corner of her eye, she sensed his presence and like in all of the other times, could not stop herself from admiring her boyfriend. He was a very good looking man. She counted herself lucky to have snagged him. Being in her early 30s, she admits that she was getting quite antsy about the future. She knew that he was a divorcee and had children from his previous marriage to prioritize and that was not a problem for her. The kids were well-mannered and polite, and the times that they were along with them on dates, she genuinely enjoyed their company. What she also found attractive with Bin was how he was around his children. She knew that if ever they would have their own, he would be equally devoted.

Trying to get her head out of her worries, Sora waved to Bin, who gestured that he will be minding his business in a corner table, she nodded and forced herself back to concentrate on work. However, given that these meetings were almost always very familiar - some event coming up, nothing special to prepare, except for the usual requests - Sora started to again entertain her thoughts on what was nagging her about being with Bin. His ex-wife, Yejin. Or Jinnie, as Bin fondly calls her. Thinking about his nickname for her always causes her to feel a hollow in her chest.

On the surface, there was nothing that seems to be wrong. Sora and Bin have a stable relationship, he is very attentive when around her. But she couldn't shake the feeling that there was still something between Bin and his ex-wife. Their familiarity when around each other, or the way they would look at each other at the same time when they find something funny (or sometimes, even with a mere mention of a random object like a can opener!). Sora definitely tries to bury it down for fear of being the antihero in the story, but she couldn't help but feel seriously annoyed. She does get that they share a history and all, but their friendship is just too much. Being on the outside looking in is something that she often feels when around the two. Much as she appreciates that Yejin respects her relationship with Bin, it would be better if he cares a little less for his ex. Maybe it's time that she stake her claim a little more forcefully. She knows that she has really taken it slow when it comes to Bin, but maybe she should start to throw hints that she's ready to be more committed to him.

Sora closes her laptop as the meeting adjourns. She tells her staff that she would take her break with Bin. Operation tie the knot starts now. 

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