Chapter 6

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Bin moved in Yejin's home the following day. He brought with him a bag of clothes and some other stuff he needed for his usual daily routine. He immediately informed work that he had to take a leave for the rest of the week and that he might have to 'work from home' after his leave. His immediate superior, understood his situation and told him that barring any emergency situations where only his presence is needed, they feel that they could somehow manage without him being physically in the office.

He moved in the family den where he caught Yejin setting up an inflatable mattress in the corner and fluffing pillows for the bed. He quietly moved around the room setting up his laptop and other work related stuff in the nearby table situated by the window.

Yejin was aware of his presence but chose to pretend to be busy, the reality of what was happening finally settling. Bin was actually moving in! They haven't been around each other this way for years and she could not deny that there is a fear that she would be more vulnerable around him more than she actually is. She knew that they have somehow moved on and what they do have now is so stable. The kids thriving was a testament to how far they have come.

Knowing that there was no other way to beat around the bush, Yejin bluntly asked. "Bin, does Sora know? Is she okay with this?"

He slowly approached her and answered, "I haven't told her yet. I'm sure she will understand."

"Do you want me to go talk to her?"

"Don't worry about me for now. Getting better is your only job, remember?"

"But ........."

"I'll meet up with her later and tell her about the situation. You will be okay if I have to disclose your condition right?"

Yejin sighed. She did not like other people taking pity on her. "I will tell me when things are not okay with you? In as much as I really appreciate how much you are doing for me, I don't want to cause a lot more problems Bin."


Sora was not okay with it.

Why did he have to move in? Couldn't her parents or sister come home to take care of her instead? Why does he have to be so nice to his ex-wife? Why did she have to get cancer at this time when she was planning to bring up marriage?

She was initially excited at Bin's sudden invitation for dinner but now, her mind started to work in overdrive. Of course she can't possibly say all her thoughts out loud or she would sound like the selfish one. Yejin was sick and she needed help. However, she had to have her feelings out..

"Bin ...I'm really sorry about Yejin and I don't want to sound like an insecure girlfriend here. But I am uncomfortable about your arrangement with your ex. I hope you understand where I'm coming from.." Testing the waters, Sora paused and then continued..

" She is your ex and you both have history. You might feel more sorry for her now and mistake your feelings for something else. I'm just so worried for us but at the same time, I don't want to demand you to.." Sora trailed off and looked at him, trying to assess how much more she can go further.

Bin met her gaze, his expression unreadable. "Yejin and I..."

Sora quickly cut him off suddenly scared about what he would say next. " Having said that, I want to tell you that I will see beyond my point of view and just tell me what I can do to be there to help you and the kids. It must be scary for them to have their mom sick."

Confused at her change of position, he timidly smiled at Sora and muttered, "Thank you.." He was partly grateful that she seemed to be very understanding despite what he has decided on his own.

Later, after dropping Sora off to her place, while driving back to Yejin's home, Bin pondered on his talk with Sora. He actually came prepared to have to decide if need be. He knew what his choice was. However, hearing from her, he couldn't help but feel grateful to have someone like her in his life. Which makes him quite torn, as always. There was also some guilt about how he knew that his situation will never be easy for her, going into this relationship.

In the beginning, Bin held on to the hope that somehow Yejin will find her way to him. And then when she announced that she wanted to try dating, his fantasies of a reunion burst like bubble. And that was how he started to try going out with other women as well. Hard as it was to admit, Yejin began to thrive after their divorce. She seemed a lot happy pursuing her passion. He was reminded of the time when he was just looking at her from afar. How carefree, happy and pure she was. He began to doubt that need to be with her again, that she somehow needed him in her life, or that he could make her happy once more. It hurt him so much to realize how much he shackled his wife and took her for granted. He promised himself that he would really make it up to her and support her in all the things she wanted to accomplish. No more decisions made solely for himself, no more assuming that his way was for the good of his family. And if it meant finally accepting that Yejin could never be in his life, so be it. He loved Yejin that much.


Post Script:  Filler Chapter  here.  Hopefully I can publish another one this weekend - I'm actually excited about putting out the next one.    I usually wanna have 2 chapters written in advance before I publish  a chapter.  

 Someone (@ poiema26 ) made a comment that a  part of this story reminded her of the film Marriage Story.  Such a compliment! But I do think this may have similar tones without me meaning to have it feel the same.  Nothing really dramatic but just a dissection of how marriages fall apart and how couples work their way through.    Of course, I hope you all find the story entertaining as well.  Thank you so much for giving this one a chance!  

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