8. A Connection~

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~At Jungkook's Mansion~


"Bye Chin! I'm gonna head out" I exclaimed, while putting on my black boots. 

"Yes Sir, but your father is arriving soon from his business trip" Chin spoke, as he handed me the rose bouquet. 

"Umm.. tell him that I went out to the library, Okay?" I told, opening the front door.

"Alright Master Jeon but please be sure to come back home on time"

"I will!!"

And just like that, I was off to the cemetery to visit my dear mother.

~Time skip to the cemetery~

"Hi Mom.." I said, kneeling down and placing the fresh red roses in front of her grave where the other past roses were too.

Nothing much had changed since the last time I had visited, It was the same old cold and lonely place it had always been with almost no one in the quite cemetery.

"You know, I wi-wish you didn't have to leave so early" I murmured, as clear tear drops fell from my face and landed onto the firm ground, "I just really wished th-that I could see y-your smile for one last time"

*Drip! Drip! Drip!*

"Wow.. mother nature sure knows how to make a scene look so dramatic plus I forgot to bring an umbrella and now my clothes are soaking wet.."

But all of sudden, the raindrops stopped falling onto me instead I was covered by a dark shadow and when I had turned my back around I realized that I was looking up at.. her


"Hmm, the cemetery.. a place where many seem to think that it's spooky and kinda creepy but to be honest It's not always what people seem to think, well for me it's a place where you come to visit your passed love ones and it's a place where you look back at your past memories that's what I think"

*Drip! Drip! Drip!*

"Huh? It's raining? Well good thing Unnie told me to come prepared" I said, opening out my black umbrella.

But as I was walking through the cemetery after visiting my parents grave I noticed someone weeping nearby.

"Who could that be? there's barely anyone here"

After wondering for a couple of seconds, I decided that the right thing to do would probably console the person.

So thats what I did and when I had reached, the guy was soaking wet from head to toe.

"Gosh.. this person better not get a cold" I muttered to myself, as I extended my umbrella over the guy.

But as soon as that person turned his back around I realized that I was staring at.. him

"Y- Y/N?" he questioned, shock expressed through his doe eyes.

"Umm is everything okay?" I asked, feeling concerned and worried about him.

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