Marinette's POV
"...Or should I say Ladybug?" Truther said with an evil grin as I stared wide eyed at her.
My heart began to beat faster as questions filled my brain. How does she know? Did she see me transform once? Where's Chat noir? Does Hawkmoth know???
Truther smiled at my predicament. She extended her hands towards me, "Now give me your miraculous."
"I...I don't know...what you're talking about." I stammered as she growled under her breath.
"Don't play dumb with me! If you don't give me your miraculous, I'll hit you with one of my orbs then you'll be forced to say the truth to everyone in Paris. After everyone knows Ladybug's secret identity, I'll just take it by force." She sneered as I grew more frightened with every word.
Where are you Chat noir? I asked myself as I pondered on a plan. "I..."
Before I could finish, Chat noir stood in front of me protectively. "Get out of here!" He ordered as Truther pushed him aside. Chat noir extended his baton causing Truther to fall down. I tried scurring towards a corner but Truther was aimlessly shooting dark orbs out of the object in her hand.
The good news is it didn't hit Chat noir, the bad news is it hit ME! Luckily, I was in a secluded corner. I shut my mouth as tight as I could but I blurted, "I'm Ladybug!"
I looked around anxiously and exhaled. I literally forgot there was no one in the room. I opened my purse and Tikki flew out, "We have to help Chat noir." She squeaked.
I tried saying my transformation words but all that came out was "Even though Adrien is with Kagami, I still love him!" I blurted as I covered my mouth.
Tikki placed her little hand on her chin as she came up with an idea, "If I ask you a question are you forced to tell me the truth?" Tikki wondered out loud. I shrugged because I really didn't know but it was worth a shot, "What are the transformation words?"
I smiled a little bit, "Tikki spots on!" I transformed into my alter ego and leaped out to help Chat noir. I hope I don't blurt anything out while I'm there. But I wanted to play safe, so I grabbed a bandanna and tied it over my mouth. Just in case. I stood beside Chat noir and bit my lower lip trying as hard as possible not to utter a single word.
"Where have you been LB?" Chat noir said with seriousness as Truther continued shooting dark orbs at us.
"Oh wow! If it isn't Ma..." Before Truther could complete her sentence, I pushed her off the Eiffel Tower. Not to kill her but she'll be to occupied with screaming that she won't be able to say my name thereby preventing her from revealing my identity.
Chat noir stared at me as I beckoned for him to follow my lead as I swung away, and hid in a secluded alleyway. Truther searched for us but to no avail. "What's wrong Ladybug? And why do you have that over your mouth?"
I grabbed my yo-yo from my belt and opened it's messages. I sent one to Chat noir as he read it out. "Truther hit me with one of her orbs and I'm afraid I might tell you my secret identity by accident." He finished reading the message, "So what are we going to do now?" I sent him another message which he read out loud again, "I have to call out my Lucky charm but you have to ask me a question that makes me reply with Lucky charm. That way I'll be able to use it."
He nodded. "Um...what do you say to activate your power?"
I carefully removed the bandanna and said, "Lucky Charm!" Ladybugs twirled over my head as it revealed a roll of sticky tape.
"What are you going to do now?" Chat noir asked as he peeped out of the alleyway, on the lookout for Truther.
"I honestly don't know." I replied slowly, and that was definitely the truth.

A Miraculous Tale✔️
FanfictionAfter the Miracle Queen incident, Adrien is with Kagami, Luka and Marinette are still best of friends and Ladybug is the new guardian of the miracle box...which puts her in danger. Hawkmoth is as powerful as ever and will go to any lengths to get L...