Chapter 1

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1 | Who am I to judge?

"Toni!" 7 year old, Joshua squealed as he came running into the house.

"Hey Baby. How was school?" Toni smiled and he immediately hugged her waist.

She rubbed his head and looked up being met by her husband, Michigan.

"Hey baby." Toni smiled kissing his lips.

"Hey gorgeous." He said placing Joshua's bag down on the table. "Hi Jose." Toni said watching her 17 year old stepson walk right past her.

Toni frowned once she got nothing in return.

"He's still adjusting to the whole move." Michigan sighed opening the refrigerator.

"Yeah..." Toni nodded shaking it off.

"Hey Toni. I got a pin." Joshua grinned grabbing ahold of the pin that was attached to his shirt pulling it up to show Toni.

"That's amazing!" Toni cheered, "be careful you might tear your shirt." Toni sternly said.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Joshua said smacking his lips together. "I also drew us a family picture." Joshua smiled jumping onto the barstool fiddling with his backpack.

Toni giggled watching him scramble through his stuff. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist making her instantly smile.

"I missed you so much." Michigan said kissing her neck.

"You did-"

"Yeah... Tell me how was fashion week?"

"You do know it's only called fashion week when-"


"Yes." Toni quickly faced Joshua. "Wow! You drew that?" Toni gasped placing her hand over her chest in disbelief.

"Yeah." Joshua grinned.

"It's beautiful." Toni smiled scanning the drawing before she chuckled, "don't you think there's one too many kids here?" Toni squinted her eyes.

"Let me see that." Michigan said taking the drawing from her.

"Maybe... but once you and my daddy give me and Jose a little sister it won't be." Joshua smiled up at her.

Both Toni and Michigan frowned.

"You have such a bright imagination baby." Toni shook her head, "no more candy before bedtime for you." Toni sternly said pointing her finger at Joshua.

He pouted.


"Would you look at that? It's Joshua's bath time." Toni gasped checking the time on her phone. "Upstairs!" Toni pointed towards the stairs.

Joshua groaned mumbling a few stuff under his breath as he jumped off the barstool and slouched towards the stairs. Michigan placed the drawing down on the table and let out a sigh, Toni immediately faced him and placed her hand down on his shoulder.

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