Chapter 22

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22 | The reception

Greg stood up with his champagne glass in his hand, he grabbed a spoon and tapped it lightly against the brim of his glass causing everyone to place their attention onto him.

"Wonderful guests, I thank you all for coming and being here celebrating me and my lovely wife's union." He smiled down at Sydney who was already smiling up at him.

"I love you." He said, "I love you." She said intertwining their hands as he helped her stand.

Kenny looked over at Toni who was watching the two intently, she smiled before she looked around and then her attention fell onto him. He smiled lightly at her having her do the same.

"Toni, would you like to say a few words?" The MC spoke into his microphone causing Toni to steer her attention away from Kenny onto the MC.

"Sure." She smiled nervously standing up as he handed the microphone to her, "I did not prepare anything..." She mumbled having a few guests chuckle, "I'm so happy for you Sydney. My baby sister, you were like my child. You wanted to do everything with me, you were always right here by my side even when I didn't want you by my side. You're really my best friend and I'm happy that you're happy. Thank you to Greg for loving my sister the way he does, no really thank you. She glows more and more each and every day. You're also such a wonderful sister, and an amazing secret keeper-"

"Yeah. She is huh!"

Toni frowned, she recognized that voice anywhere.

"She probably knew about your little affair too huh!" Michigan shouted causing the guests to gasp as he came into the reception.

"You fucking tramp!" He yelled extremely tipsy with a bottle of whiskey that was halfway drank.

"Yo watch your mouth when you talk about Toni." Kenny snapped standing up pushing him back.


"Oh here he is everyone! The man that ruined my marriage because he slept with my wife!" Michigan laughed pointing at Kenny before he drank his whiskey once again.

Kenny pushed him back roughly making him stumble and almost drop the bottle.

"Kenneth." Greg scolded.

"How is it fucking her huh?! You two probably enjoy yourselves when y'all are all alone in his house- oh yeah another thing everyone Toni my beautiful wife over here moved in with this jackass and now they're fucking each other on the daily!" He laughed before he began to sob.

"Sydney I'm so sorry." Toni said facing Sydney who frowned watching her sister fight back her tears.

"Toni it's okay-"

"It's not." Toni shook her head grabbing her bag. "I don't feel so good... I'm gonna leave." Toni announced rubbing Sydney's shoulder, she gripped the table almost passing out.

"Toni are you okay?" Sydney panicked rushing around her table towards Toni.

"I'll be fine. I just need some fresh air." Toni nodded walking out.

"Where are you going?" Michigan slurred following after her.

"Michigan leave her alone!" Sydney yelled running out after him with Kenny right behind her.

"You fucking whore! You're an ungrateful lying bitch!" Michigan yelled after Toni.

She pressed her lips together wiping away her tears, maybe Michigan was right. She was all those things, Michigan grabbed her arm turning her around and tossed his whiskey all over her making her gasp.

"Mich." She stared at him in disbelief.

Kenny grabbed Michigan turning him around and punched him.

"Don't ever disrespect her like that again!" Kenny yelled angrily continuously punching Michigan, this was a side of Kenny Toni had never seen before.

"Kenny stop it!" Toni shouted trying to pull him off Michigan. "Ken!" She yelled making him stop.

She backed away from them shaking her head, Kenny let out a tiring breathe turning around and faced her, she wiped away her tears biting her lip nervously.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm the man that loves you Toni but you're too blinded by this idiot to see that." Kenny groaned pointing down at Michigan.

She sighed before she turned around and got into her car, Kenny ran his hand down his face watching as she drove off. He groaned before he ran up to his car, Sydney sighed lifting up her dress and ran up to Kenny's car as well. He started the engine and looked back watching as Sydney approached. She pulled the passenger door open and got in.

"I'm going with you."

"What about the wedding? My dad-"

"I first need to make sure Toni's fine."

Kenny looked at her before he nodded his head backing out the parking lot.

Helen stared at the mess before her, she shook her head at Michigan who tried to get himself off the ground.

"You damn bastard!" She yelled kicking him, "I knew your ass was never gonna be good enough for my daughter." Helen groaned as Zahir pulled her away from Michigan before she did even more damage.

"Where's my phone, I need to call my daughter and make sure she's okay." Helen said rushing into the reception for her phone.

Toni's car came to a halt at a red light. She sighed as her tears clouded her vision before she wiped them away, she sniffed a few times before her phone rang. She groaned hoping it wasn't Kenny, she was way too mad at him. She leaned over and dug through her bag taking out her phone, she pressed answer just as the light turned green. She grimaced pressing the gas.


A loud bang erupted into Helen's side making her pull the phone away from her ear. Kenny and Sydney drove by as they watched a car roll and then slam right into a tree. "Oh my God stop the car!" Sydney yelled causing Kenny to slam his brakes.

She quickly got out and immediately her mind went blank as Kenny got out and his eyes widened, that was Toni's car.

"Call 9-1-1!" He yelled at the lady who got out her car in front of them, she nodded taking out her phone as he ran up to Toni's car.

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