[Trans Reader] Jay- Abnormal

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Hey everyone.
Before we get into this chapter, just know that I'm a cis guy so some of my perceptions of trans people might be a little off. If you see anything that I've said in this chapter that you think is wrong or anything, just let me know. A few people actually suggested a trans reader chapter so I figured I might as well. I made sure to do as much research on the topic as I could before jumping into it like this. So with all of this out of the way, I hope you enjoy and I hope I'm representing you trans folk well. (:


I woke up this morning in somewhat of a bad mood. Nothing had happened to me to make me feel this way, really. I just woke up feeling somewhat sad about myself. As soon as I sat up out of bed, I grabbed my binder and closed my eyes as I took off my shirt and slipped the tight fabric over my chest. I didn't like looking at my bare chest so closing my eyes as I was shirtless made me feel a little better about it. At least I was actually taking my binder off to sleep lately. I used to just keep it on 24/7 until the rest of the team talked some sense into me.

At first I argued with them that they don't know what it's like to have such horrible dysphoria... but then they reminded me that wearing the thing all day was essentially crushing my lungs. It got to the point where basic training was making me feel light headed because I wasn't getting enough air. It's as if I was so caught up in the dysphoria aspect of my mental health that I forgot to stop and think about my physical health. I'm just glad I have friends who care enough to talk to me when they feel like I need it. Because of them, I only wear it for the reccomend 8 hours or less and I've been feeling a lot better physically, which also does help my mental health in the long run.

I stand up out of bed and slip on a new pair of pants but I hesitated to put a shirt on. I just stood there in my binder before looking over to the mirror on my wall. I sigh before walking up to it and examining my own body.

I sat there and just stared at my own reflection for what felt like hours. I turned sideways to look at my own chest. My confidence definitely varied from day to day. Some days I just felt so happy with how far I'd come and how well I thought I looked and sounded. But today... today wasn't really one of those days.

I had been on testosterone for a little over a year. I was really pleased with what it did to my voice and how it helped shape the features on my face as well as how it brought in my facial hair and body hair. But no amount of testosterone would get rid of my chest or make my hips any less wide. And it definitely wouldn't give me the parts of my body that I so desperately wanted to have. I've been saving up for surgery, but my plan was to get top surgery first. And even then I was far away from my financial goal. Most days I didn't even think about it but other days the fact that my biology was different than other males just hit me like a truck.

I take a deep breathe as I look deeper into my reflection. I wish I could just wake up one day and my body would be perfect. I hate having to think about how hard I have to try just to be passing as male when I absolutely know on the inside that I am.

"(Y/N), you in there?" I hear a knock on my door along with Jay's voice.

"Uhm, yeah, I just-" I call back but before I can even say much of anything he just opens the door and let's himself in.

"Jay! I'm not dressed!" I yell as I cross my arms. I am wearing a binder and pants. So everything is covered, but I still don't like people seeing me in my binder.

"Oh, sorry," he steps back, "you want me to leave?"

"Can you just... close your eyes while I get a shirt on?" I ask.

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