Chapter 9.

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Mum alighted me at Miss. Baker's therapy session today. I was ready to tell her about my day, worries and if she could help. I still hadn't forgotten about the caramel skin girl and her nice attitude towards me.
"Hi, Miss. Baker. How are you?" I sat on the comfortable green couch ready to talk to her. "I'm good, what brings you here today?" Miss. Baker looked up from her files and rested her hands on the table. I started to tell her what happened and some insecurities I was dealing with.

"So you are scared." She states like it's a simple way to put all my troubles. I nod. "Of course I'm scared. Of all the things I have left behind it's better if they stay that way. Getting friends it's like resurfacing everything back again." I explain to her crossing my hands over my chest. She hummed.
"I think it's a good thing. Your mum and I won't be always around. You have to get other people who will support you Inna." She focused intently at me. I twitched my mouth at the sound of involving other people.
"I will think about that but I can't make any promises on making new friends." I state like it's the obvious thing to do at this time.
"I guess you've learnt a lot from our time talking and you are doing alright. What about the journal?" She goes back looking at the files.
"It's good." I say and take a bottle of water because I am thirsty.
"So everything ends here but if you need any help, you know where to find me. Inna, you always don't get to read signs of what's going to happen so try to embrace the result." I nod at her, got up and made my way out the room.

I called mum to come pick me up since I was done with today's session. As I sat at the lobby waiting for her, I caught sight of the caramel skin girl.
"Hey!" I yelled towards her direction waving at her. What is she doing at a place like this? She turned around and spotted me. She quicken her pace towards me after saying something to two people with her.
"Hello again, you missed the party." She smiles at me. So she was expecting me. I gave her an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry, something came up. I never had the chance to ask of your name." I queried.
"Sasha. Sasha Black." She states, I nod at her. "Inna Powell." I chimed in. "Well, I have to go but I will see you later." She waves at me running back to the direction she came from. Mum walks into the building and I walk to her.
"Already making friends." Mum teased. "No, I'm not." I laugh at her and we walk to her car.

As mum was driving back home, I kept my gaze on the beautiful scenes which passes by, thinking of how far I have come through. I'm so lucky.
"Do you ever regret who you are?" Mum ask breaking the silence. I look at her not understanding where this question is from. She chuckles. "I mean, going through everything till now, do you regret being in this position?" She elaborated.
"I don't think so. Accidents happen. I'm sad but kind of okay going through all this. I am learning, letting everything go and passing through panic attacks and nightmares." I explain looking at the window appreciating whatever I have.
"It's good you can let everything go. I thought you will be capsized by all these." Mum adds and the drive continues in silence but a comfortable one.

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