I don't like her

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"But what if I don't want to go back?"

"What do you mean Sam? Corey and Jake need you alive or they just blame themselves for everything." Colby pauses before sighing "Kat needs you!"

"BUT I DON'T WANT HER" Sam yells looking at Colby.

"What do you mean Sammy? Kat's your girlfriend.

"I know, I know!" Sam looks at his somber friends sitting around his hospital bed "Just give me some time yeah?"

Colby nods and then a smirk grows across his face as he leans on the door of the room before falling straight through it. This causes Sam to scream "COLBY!" But then Sam notices laughing coming from the other side of the door way and as Sam approaches it a had reaches through and pulls him forward. Sam closes his eyes thinking he is going to slam straight into the door but nothing happens so he opens his eyes to find himself outside the hospital room with Colby holding his hand laughing in front of him.

Sam glares while also blushing since they were holding hands as Colby laughs saying "Welcome to my world, we can go through doors."


Sam and Colby had been walking the streets for a few hours and during that time Sam had seen many ghosts but there seemed to be less than he imagined.

"Colby?" Sam asked looking at his friend while Colby just smiled and raised an eyebrow, "Why aren't there too many uh?"

"Dead people?"

"Yeah" Sam blushed he didn't know what term to use.

"Well most people move on and either find themselves going up or down but some people stay like me." Colby explains before making eye contact with Sam as he smiled "I had a pretty good reason not to leave."

"I'm not that special Colby, you should have moved on" Sam says looking down sadly.

"Oh, Sam you have no idea how special you truly are" Colby lifts Sam's chin "Where would you be right now if I hadn't showed up."

Sam sighed "Moping around in my room wishing you were there" 

"Exactly!" Colby smiled before grabbing Sam's hand and breaking out in a run.

"whoah, were are we going?"

"I want you to meet someone."


"Colby last time I was here I got arrested" Sam stated nervously as him and Colby approached the abandoned Asylum.

"ghosts cant't get arrested." Colby laughed but then he paused making direct eye contact with Sam as he smirked "Unless you somehow manage to piss of Lucifer."

Sam gulped.

Colby pushed the doors open and they slayed against the walls making a loud sound that caused Sam to jump towards Colby knocking the two of them over.

Sam blushed and Colby smiled before picking the blond up and putting him back on his feet. "Careful Sammy"

Sam looked around the room seeing plenty of ghost but none of them seemed to care about Sam and Colby's presence. Sam was pulled out of his thoughts as Colby began to head up the stairs and Sam quickly followed.

The two entered a room that Sam didn't recognize from when he had previously been to the asylum. Inside there was a teenage girl staring out through the window.

"Hey Dylan!"

This caused the girl to turn around and yell "Colby!" as she rushed toward said man engulfing him in a hug.

"It's good to see you too." Colby smiled prying the girl off of him. He then turned to look at Sam and gestured to Dylan "This is my friend Dylan."

"Colby, he can't see me." Dylan laughed

"Uh" Sam didn't know what to say as he looked a Dylan but all he could feel inside himself was complete and utter jealousy.

"Wait can you see me?" Dylan questioned the blond getting a fait nod in response. "OMG! it's so good to see you Sam" Dylan smiled pulling him into a tight embrace. "Wait a minute! Are you dead?"

"Naw, he's just in a coma." Colby answered with a faint smile.

Dylan gave Colby a look of sympathy as Sam grew ver confused.

"I wanted to see some of Colby's ghost world before I went home." Same reposed. "And uh, how do you know my name."

"Colby talks about you non-stop and I have meet you before. You just couldn't see me then." Dylan smiled at Sam

Sam blushed at the statement responding with and "oh"

"Anyway" Colby said grabbing the others attention "Sam and I are going to do some old fashioned exploring! I'll see you at the hospital later?"

"course!" Dylan smiled

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