HC Because I'm Bored.

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-Anna loves spicy food. She offered it to the others,
Kitty, Cathy and Jane were very quick to refuse. Catalina took it and ate it like normal food. Anne, very stupidly, took it, knowing she hates it, she ate it ran to find to milk, cursing in French. They didn't have any milk left. Anne cried because it got too mutch. Catalina had to take Anne to get some milk from the shops.

-Jane and cathy read together when their both not busy or if one of them is overworking (usually both of them).

-kat is the only one Anna will listen to in games or fights.

- Anne's favorite game is cards against humanity only because she can piss Cathy off.
Anne would laugh it off before continuing with her turn and ignoring whatever Cathy had to say.
"ANNE DONT FUCKING IGNORE ME!!!" Jane ends up dragging Cathy away and forcing her to sleep each and every time.

-the beheaded cousins can't sleep unless calming music is playing or if they have something to cuddle or someone cuddling them. catalina for Anne and Anna for kat. If catalina and Anna are busy then they'll watch movies in one of their rooms and lean against each other until they both fall asleep.

-Anne's actually quite calm most of the time, she just has those moments of getting really hyper and annoying. It's worse if she has sugar although she'll usually crash before she has the chance to start a fight with Cathy or catalina will drag Anne away and get her to calm down.

-if one of the other queens is upset the others will do anything in their power to destroy what made her feel that way.
If someone hurt one of them the others are immediately searching for this person and either:
1. Signing them up for something that will never leave them alone, every now and again adding new  services to the list.

2. Find them, get revenge, and maby arrested  but "so worth it"
(even jane) while paying the fee.

Or my personal favourite,

3. Inviting them to the show,
It goes something like this:
"and tonight, London, and only tonight, we have a very special guest. And we would like them to come up on stage."
They go on stage.
The ulternate steps to the side as the queen who was harmed/harassed/mocked,or something else horrible that this person did, steps onto the stage with a drink or hot sauce in hand, sometimes both, and chucks it over this person as the others scream stuff like,
"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR HARASSING HER!" or, "DONT MESS WITH HER OR YOU'LL FACE US." or something like that as the audience chears as this isn't the first time.

K, my phones gunna die so I'm gunna cut it off here, I'll happily write a part 2 of you guys want.

Have a good day, I'm tired, I went to the west end musical drive in earlier and I'm now shattered.
Night (even tho its only 9:00pm where I am)


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