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Author: whatthegguk
Summary: He imagined kissing Jimin goodnight every night, kissing his lips, his neck, his collarbones, his thighs. God, he sounded sad now he thought about it. Really sad.


Taehyung liked Jimin. He liked him a lot. But Jimin was his best friend, just his best friend, and had been elementary school. Actually, the two were so close that by this point Jimin was practically woven into the fabric of Taehyung's everyday life; they lived on the same block, went to the same university, ran in the same friendship circles. Truly, there was no way for Taehyung to not find himself around Jimin at some point during the day.

In theory, Taehyung had said to himself, within a few months he would probably grow out of the feelings. He had with every other crush. But months had turned into years and no matter how many dates he went on or how many people he kissed, it was evident that Jimin would never just be some crush to Taehyung. He was something so much more.

And god, was he in deep.

Sometimes when they ate lunch together he'd imagine they were on a date. He'd invent these sappy little domestic scenarios. He imagined kissing Jimin goodnight in their shared bed, kissing his lips, his neck, his collarbones. It sounded a little sad now he thought about it. Really sad, actually. To be pining over someone who he knew would only ever see him platonically. In his defence, Jungkook had always told him that he'd thought they'd end up together. Said they were just 'dancing around each other'. He'd liked the thought of that, that other people saw that they'd be good together. And in a way, Taehyung had thought it too for a while. It had always been the two of them together against the world. It had always been Jimin and Taehyung, Taehyung and Jimin. So why did these feelings feel like the start of the end?

Taehyung had met Jimin in third grade when he'd tripped over Jimin's feet in the lunch queue while waiting to get his portion of rice or lasagne or something. Probably because he'd never seen a boy that beautiful before. Taehyung had been new in town then but Jimin had invited him to sit at their lunch table and took him under his wing. In a way the whole encounter had pretty much been a metaphor for their entire friendship. Taehyung had always been clumsy, but this time he'd almost thanked his chaotic feet for introducing him to Jimin.

Jimin, however, had elegant feet; he was a dancer and an incredible one at that, he was a natural. Taehyung had told him then how he'd love to be able to dance like Jimin, if only he wasn't so clumsy. After that Jimin had stayed with him after school every night for four months to teach him the routine he was learning and when they finally did it, when they finally danced together, he had cried tears of joy and hugged Taehyung telling him how proud he was of him. Taehyung had cried that night too, not because he'd danced flawlessly but because he'd made Jimin so happy.

At age 15, five years ago now, Jimin had been the first person that Taehyung had come out to. He had cried into Jimin's chest that night and Jimin had just cuddled him, muttering sweet words of comfort and singing him to sleep with his lullaby voice. Of course, what Taehyung had failed to tell Jimin was that he'd actually been the reason for his awakening- he'd slowly come to realise that most heterosexual males didn't tend to fantasise about kissing their male friends or pine over the way their muscles moved as they danced.

However, Taehyung was not delusional; he knew the chance of Jimin feeling anything besides brotherly love for him was slim to none. He'd seen the long line of pretty girls and even prettier guys that Jimin had attracted over the years. What made him any different? He wasn't as pretty as the girl who won pageants nor as smart as the guy who got accepted into Harvard nor as funny as the girl who wrote stand-up comedy in her spare time. So why was it that if Jimin had turned them all down- politely in the sweetest possible way, in true Jimin fashion- why was it that he still clung on to the hope that Jimin might reciprocate his feelings? Like, really, what were the chances?

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